September 2018: Reply-to e-mail notifications, date ranges within reports, general updates
Web platform
*New capabilities*
Email notifications: Previously, when clients responded to a Healthie email notification, the response was not sent to a provider. With this update, email responses from clients will be sent to the provider, with a built-in HIPAA-disclaimer.
Reports: Providers and organizations can generate a report with a specific date range. Previously, CSV files generated through Healthie contained all data collected to date. With this update, providers can indicate fields like this month, this year, and custom ranges too. This applies to the Appointments, Payments, Bank Transfers, CMS 1500s, and Superbills reports.
Improved scrolling capability of client journal entries
Added ability for providers to enter a CPT code and unit in a chart note
Intake forms
UI/UX improvements in setting up intake flows and clients filling out intake forms
It's now possible to send a message blast to all active clients
Added filter for seeing unread messages in "Chat"
Updated the refreshing of how chat notifications (red bubble) appear
The full first and last name of a client is now shown, rather than first name and last initial (e.g., "Bob Jones" vs. "Bob J.")
At the top of the CMS 1500 & Superbill forms are tabs for all of the sections of the form, which when clicked will take you directly to that section
Fixed an issue where new payments were not appearing in the list of payments on the "Payments" page until you refreshed the page
Superbill: Ability for providers to export multiple chart notes to a single Superbill
CMS 1500: "Prior Authorization" and "Rendering Provider" fields will pre-fill from previously generated information in past CMS 1500s; updates to CPT codes pre-filling billing amounts
The size of the video and charting spaces has been adjusted to better fit next to each other on your screen
Course content is now listed in alphanumeric order
Courses are now searchable
It's no longer possible to delete or move a document that you didn't upload
Appointment Type Settings
Fixed an issue where the "Contact Types" checkboxes were not appearing checked when they were supposed to
Providers can now reorder appointment types, which determines the order they appear to clients when they go to book an appointment on Healthie’s website, in Healthie’s embeddable calendar, and in Healthie’s mobile app. Now, when a client books an appointment with you, you get to choose the order in which your appointments appear.
Previously, email notifications indicating that a document had been shared contained a button that took the provider / client to the "Documents" page without making it clear which document had been shared. Now, the button in the email will take the provider / client to the document that was shared. This has also been applied to the notification bell for a document that was shared.
Top navigation bar is "locked" on all pages of the Healthie web platform
General UI/UX updates
iOS Mobile App
Phone Numbers
It's now possible to initiate a phone call by pressing a phone number in a client's profile, a message, or an appointment's details
The list of conversations now loads faster when moving between different conversations
Viewing Appointments
There's now a more intuitive workflow when viewing appointments on past or future dates. When you press the back button at the top left, the same day that you were viewing on the calendar will load.
Video Chat
Improved stability for video chat
Fixed an issue where marking a subgoal complete was not working properly. Pressing the checkmark on the left side of a subgoal will mark it as complete, resulting in a checkmark appear on the right side of the subgoal.
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