Deep Dive: Metrics Report

The Metrics reports allows you to download details of Metrics (both default and custom) input Healthie by providers and clients.


Accessing Metrics Report

  • Navigate to reports
  • Click on Your Metrics Reports and Organization Client's Metrics
  • Scroll to the top of the page and you will see a green bar
  • Select the "Generated Reports Link" (you might need to refresh the page after a few minutes if it does not appear immediately."
  • Click the three dots next the csv in documents and click download. 

Best practices in using Metrics Report

This report can be used to see a client's progression over a custom time frame. For each metric, you can see the the date it was input and the number input. 

This is great for:

  • Seeing a birds eye view of the progress your clients are making with their various metric goals. 
  • Filtering the report to see how specific groups you are working with are doing with specific metrics
  • Tracking wellness challenges you are running with clients 
  • Looking at where a client started and seeing how far they've come!
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