North Carolina Health Information Exchange (HealthConnex)

North Carolina’s HealthConnex is a new, modernized health information exchange. Its mission is to “link every healthcare provider in North Carolina” in order to “improve healthcare quality and outcomes.” Essentially, the HealthConnex portal is a tool that links disparate healthcare systems and already existing health information exchange (HIE) networks together to deliver a holistic view of patient records. Healthcare providers can access patient health information recorded by other providers electronically using NC HealthConnex, including records, labs, diagnostics, medical history, allergies, and more.  

If you are required to connect, please review the information below, including next steps to notify Healthie. 

What is the Deadline to Connect? 

The extension of the connection deadline until January 1, 2023, allows additional time for health care providers to complete their technical onboarding process without being out of compliance with the HIE Act. However, please note that there are more than 5,000 facilities in onboarding at this time. Providers should continue to work diligently to connect to NC HealthConnex. Signing a participation agreement and actively engaging in the onboarding process with your technical vendor demonstrates a good-faith effort to meet the extended deadline of January 1, 2023.

More information: Connect Deadline FAQs

How do I connect with the NC HealthConnex?

The first step is to complete the NC HIEA Participation Agreement. Follow the link for guidance on selecting the appropriate agreement for your practice and where to send the agreement once completed.

*Please note, the NC HIEA typically enters into agreements at the organization or group level and submits data on behalf of all affiliated providers within the practice.*

To check the status of your participation, see the NC HealthConnex Participants list

More information: Connection Process

When completing the Electronic Health Record (EHR Vendor) Information, please list:

  • EHR Vendor: Healthie 
  • EHR Vendor Product & Version: Healthie, SaaS

Questions? Please reach out to or by phone at 919-754-6912. 

Next Steps: HealthConnex + Healthie

Once your agreement has been executed, your practice will move into onboarding with our technical partners at SAS. SAS will work with your EHR vendor (Healthie) to develop the interface for you to send the required patient health care data to NC HealthConnex.

For all Healthie Providers that are required to connect, we recommend that you initiate the process by signing a participant agreement and then complete this Healthie NC HealthConnex Form so our team is aware of your status. We also recommend that you cc on any email communication with NC HIE. 

From there, we will be in contact with you to keep track of your status and queue with HealthConnex. 

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