Organization Member Permissions Templates

Healthie now allows for organization admins to apply Permissions Templates to both new and existing organization members.

Note: Only admin users can select and apply Permissions Templates. Other org members do not have the ability to create, edit, or apply Permissions Templates.

Creating a Permissions Template

Navigate to Settings > Organization > Members > Create Permissions Template.

After naming your template, team members can be designated as either a Standard or Support role. A Standard role can (optionally) be set as a provider. Providers can be scheduled for appointments and be associated with client payments. There’s a fee for each Standard role member.

The Support role has many of the same permissions capabilities as the Standard role but it cannot be set as a provider.

Note: Each member's permissions and access can be customized. There can be one "Support" member for every one "Standard" member without an additional fee when on a Healthie Group Plan subscription or above. Please email if you would like to adjust your subscription to a multi-member plan.

Learn more about Team Member Management here.

After saving your Permissions Template, you will be able to re-access the full list of Permissions Template by navigating to Organization > Members > Permissions Template. Here, you also have the option to go back and either Edit or permanently Delete your template(s).

Applying Permissions Template when Adding New Organization Member

Organization members are able to apply a Permissions Template when either adding a new organization member or applying permissions for current organization members.

In the first case, you can navigate to Organization > Members > Team Members > Add Organization Member.

The "Permissions Template" field and dropdown menu is entirely optional, and is included below all reuqired fields when adding a new organization member. You will be able to see a list of existing Permissions Templates when you click on this dropdown menu, and apply any selected template to the newly-added organization member.

When you navigate to Organization > Members > Member Name > Edit Settings > Permissions, you will be able to confirm that the appropriate Permissions Template has been applied to this organization user (e.g. "Nurse template applied on X date").

Applying Permissions Template to Existing Organization Member

If you would like to apply a Permissions Template to any existing organization member, click on the Edit Settings option beside the organization member's name, and select Permissions.

When on your org member's Permissions page, select the Apply Template button at the top right corner of your page, and a dropdown menu will appear directly below the button including all of your organization's existing Permissions Templates. Immediately after clicking a Permissions Template, all of the permission settings on the org member's page will be updated to match the configuration from the selected template.

You must click on the Save button to ensure that all organization member permissions have been updated.

Note: It is still possible for an admin to manually change some of the Permission settings after a Permissions Template has been applied.

Once again, if a Permissions Template has been applied to an org member, then both the name of the template and the date that the template was applied to the org member will be displayed above the top right corner of the Permission Settings area.

Note: In the event that you want to switch between Permissions Templates for an organization member within their Permissions Settings, please note that the following pop-up message will appear.

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