Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs) on Healthie

As part of its ONC Certification, Healthie can capture, export, calculate and report on measured meaningful use data through Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs). 

eCQMs are used by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in a variety of quality reporting and value-based purchasing programs.

Note: This feature is available on our Production (not Staging) Environment.


Organizations wishing to utilize Healthie’s clinical quality measures will incur both annual and one-time fees depending on the needs of the organization.  

If your organization is interested in learning more about measuring eCQMs, and meaningful use reporting, through the Healthie platform, please email to get started. 


The timeline for setup and implementation will vary depending on your organization's needs, and the specific eCQMs you’re looking to measure. The process can take up to 6 months. 

FAQs for Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs)

What are eCQMs?

Electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs) are measures specified in a standard electronic format that use data electronically extracted from electronic health records (EHR) and/or health information technology (IT) systems to measure the quality of health care provided. 

How do eCQMS differ from older clinical quality measures?

eCQMs differ from older clinical quality measures because they rely on structured (formally coded) data fields analyzed by computers rather than expert abstraction from paper charts, or a combination of structured and free-text fields of an EHR. They convert information about care processes or outcomes into a rate or percentage that allows providers, facilities, and patients to measure and evaluate aspects of care. Once eCQMs have been integrated into a health IT system, they can run in the background, seamlessly measuring practice results.

Learn more here.

Why would I want to utilize eCQMs?

Measuring and reporting eCQMs helps to ensure that our healthcare system is delivering effective, safe, efficient, patient-centered, equitable, and timely care. CMS’ eCQMs measure many aspects of patient care, including but not limited to:

  • Patient and Family Engagement
  • Patient Safety
  • Care Coordination
  • Population/Public Health
  • Efficient Use of Healthcare Resources
  • Clinical Process/Effectiveness

Can I bill for Medicare and Medicaid if I don’t report on clinical quality measures?

Yes, you can still bill Medicare and Medicaid without the use of eCQMs, however, it will be done at a penalized rate.

Where can I find a list of all eligible clinician eCQMS?

You can find a list of eligible clinician eCQMs on the website here.  

What eCQMs are right for my organization?

There is no one standard group of eCQMs to report on; every organization will need to determine the measures that are most applicable to the type of service they provide.

Who needs to report on eCQMs?

By 2025, Accountable Care Organizations will need to analyze 100% and report on 70% of all patients who meet the measuring criteria, regardless of payer.

How are eCQMs and MIPS (Merit-based Incentive Program) different?

The difference between eCQMs and MIPS CQMs comes down to the source of the data. Healthie does not currently support MIPS reporting.

If you are interested in utilizing the MIPS reporting structure, please submit a new idea for our team to review so that we can add it to our roadmap. Learn how to do so here.

You'll find our current roadmap on our Product Portal.

What happens if I don’t complete MIPS?

Unless you qualify for an exemption from MIPS in 2023, you will receive a -9% payment adjustment to your Medicare Part B fee-for-service (FFS) claims in 2025.

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