Zus Patient Health Profile: Diagnostics

With the Healthie + Zus integration, organizations can manage patient care leveraging the Zus Aggregated Profile integration. The clinical history for 270M+ patients is integrated directly into Healthie.

The Diagnostics component allows providers to understand a patient's diagnostic reports (i.e., labs, imaging, clinical studies, etc.) over time. Learn how to enable this integration here

This article reviews how to see chronological, diagnostic tests from your organization and other providers and view results when the integration is enabled. 

Timeline View  

When the Zus + Healthie integration is enabled for your account, users can see chronological, diagnostic tests from your organization and other providers, view results for each diagnostic test (e.g., full results for lab analytes within a panel), and view source documents that included diagnostic tests and results.

This diagnostic timeline view can be pulled using the Zus Aggregated Profile which lies on your clients's Overview page. Navigate to this page by clicking on Clients (left navigation sidebar) > Client Name > Overview in Healthie. 

From the Client Profile Overview view, scroll down to the section you’ll now see labeled Outside Records Powered by Zus

The red dot to the left of the "Diagnostics" title indicates the presence of new data. New diagnostics are displayed in bold font.

Diagnostic Report Details

Clicking into one of the diagnostic reports will display detailed analyte values and reference ranges, when available.

You can also view trends over time for select lab analytes. The “Trends” option will appear if a patient has at least two values for a lab and has been created in Zus after 7/19/2023.

Click on “Trends” to show the full set of values for this patient. Lab values are summarized by LOINC code (e.g. 17856-6, 4549-2 for hemoglobin a1c). Click on a specific lab value in the trend to open the source diagnostic report the value came from.

Note: An out of range result will be highlighted yellow.

Managing Diagnostics (Dismiss and Mark as Viewed)

Hovering over a condition from the Conditions view will allow you to either: 

  • Dismiss the diagnostic report from your view if you believe the condition is no longer active for a patient or was entered in error. This data is not deleted and can be retrieved at any time. Select "+ Add Filters" and click "Show Dismissed Records" to show dismissed diagnostic reports, which will appear in gray font. The dismiss action can also be reversed.
  • Mark as Viewed a new diagnostic report to mark it as read. Clicking on the diagnostic report to view its details automatically marks the diagnostic report as viewed.

Sorting and Filtering Diagnostics

Sorting diagnostic tests is supported for diagnostic test name and effective updated date. Filtering allows you to view dismissed diagnostic tests.

Additional Resources

Find additional resources pertaining to the Zus Diagnostics component here.

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