Zus and Healthie

With the Healthie + Zus integration, organizations can manage patient care leveraging the Zus Aggregated Profile integration. The clinical history for 270M+ patients is integrated directly into Healthie. Rather than sifting through hundreds of Continuity of Care Documents (CCDs), data is automatically aggregated and displayed within Healthie for providers to review. 

We have now released V2 of our integration. Our initial release included patient conditions, medications, and encounters into Healthie. We have now added additional modules such as diagnostics and notes, documents, allergies, immunizations (Beta), and and care team (Beta). Watch a short demo of the integration here: Zus + Healthie Demo Recording

For a full walkthrough of the integration, along with discussions with the Healthie and Zus team, watch: [Live Class] Healthie + Zus: Integration Overview

The content of help documentation regarding product functionality by third-parties is managed and updated by the third-party. Healthie makes no guarantees relative to the functionality described by third-party services. Please see below for where to direct any support inquiries.

About Zus Health

Zus is a shared health data platform designed to accelerate healthcare data interoperability by providing easy-to-use patient data at the point of care via API, embedded components, and direct EHR integrations. Our mission is to catalyze healthcare's greatest inventors by maximizing the value of patient insights - so that they can build up, not around.

Zus partners with health information exchanges (HIEs) and other data networks to aggregate patient clinical history, then translates that history into user-friendly information at point of care. Our medical networks provide access to data across 70K+ provider sites and 270M+ patients.

How to Enable the Integration 

This integration is available for all paid plans on Healthie. If you're interested in the first step in the process please email info@zushealth.com with your name and Healthie email address. The Zus team will be in touch within 2-3 business. If you do not hear from the Zus team, please email hello@gethealthie.com.

Patient clinical history will be made available for providers with a treatment use case. 

Healthie + Zus Patient Health Profile integration

The Zus Patient Health Profile integration with Healthie allows providers to import, view and manage patients’ historical and current health data directly within Healthie.

Data is bi-directional to support interoperability between health information exchanges like Commonwell and Carequality, both of which are connected to EHRs at thousands of provider sites across the country.

This integration brings eight components of health data into Healthie: historical conditions, historical medications, diagnostics, historical encounters or timeline, documents (Beta), allergies, immunizations (Beta), and care team (Beta). We’ll review each of these components in the sections below. 

Healthie + Zus Demo Recording

Historical Conditions 

With Conditions Management and History enabled, providers can:

  • Manage a list of active and inactive client conditions
  • Request and refresh clinical history for specific clients
  • See a de-duplicated list of conditions reported by other providers and not in your client problem list
  • See a chronological history of condition documentation by your team or other providers
  • Easily reconcile and add conditions from other providers’ lists to your own problem list

Learn more about how to search, manage, and add conditions here

Historical Medications

When the Zus + Healthie integration is enabled for your account, historical data on medications can be pulled into their Client Profile in Healthie. This pharmacy data is passed on from data sources including Commonwell, Carequality, and Surescripts. This will include any medication that was prescribed, filled, or reviewed in an encounter.  

Learn more about Zus Patient Health Profile Medications here


When the Zus + Healthie integration is enabled for your acocunt, the Diagnostics component allows providers to understand a patient's diagnostic reports (i.e., labs, imaging, clinical studies, etc.) over time.

Learn more about the Zus Patient Health Profile Diagnostics here.

Historical Encounters

When the Zus + Healthie integration is enabled for your account, historical data on encounters (ie. hospital visits, ER visits, and more) can be pulled into their Client Profile in Healthie. 

From the Client Profile Overview view, scroll down to the "Outside Records Powered by Zus" section, and click on the Timeline tab.

Learn more about Zus Patient Health Profile Encounters and Timeline here


When the Zus + Healthie integration is enabled for your account, the Documents component contains all clinical documents retrieved for a patient from your organization's and external records.

Users can:

  • See a chronological list of documents from your organization and other providers 
  • See a table of contents for each document
  • View each document

Learn more about Zus Patient Health Profile Documents here.

Note: This Zus feature is in a stage of development that may be subject to change or deprecation and may not yet be feature complete or perform consistently.

The Documents component is available to Builders on an opt-in basis. If you would like access to the Documents component, please reach out to Zus' support team here.


When the Zus + Healthie integration is enabled for your account, the Allergies component allows providers to understand patient allergies and their reactions. The Allergies component leverages summarized allergy histories, including allergies recorded by other providers.

Users can:

  • See a list of deduplicated allergies reported by your organization and other providers 
  • See a chronological history of allergies recorded by your organization and other providers
  • View source documents that mentioned each allergy

Learn more about Zus Patient Health Profile Allergies here.

Forthcoming Updates

A V2 of the Healthie + Zus integration is currently live. Our team will continue to work with the Zus team to discuss additional functionality that can be leveraged through this integration. While we do not yet have a timeline for this work, we do appreciate any feedback that you have to share with our team.

You can add a new insight to our Product Portal here with your feedback or requests. 

FAQs: Using the Zus Patient Health Profile

Where are Zus and Healthie sourcing this information? 

Zus partners with various HIE's (e.g., Commonwell and Carequality), Surescripts, and proprietary data networks (e.g., Quest), which pull from EHRs at thousands of providers sites across the country.  

Who can use this feature? 

Any provider organization that is a covered entity under HIPAA, has licensed providers treating patients, and is using the data to inform treatment. This integration can be enabled for Healthie members on all our paid plans. Customers must also have a contract with Zus. 

Where is the data stored? 

The patient data is stored on the Zus data platform and made available in the Healthie UI. 

How much does this cost? 

For more information about pricing, please reach out to the Zus team.

If you have support questions related to the Zus product or Zus's integration, please reach out to support@zushealth.com

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