Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (CCDA) Import and Export on Healthie

This document describes Healthie’s support for sharing clinical data via the Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (CCDA) format part of its ONC Certification, which makes Healthie interoperable in a standard way with other sources of healthcare data (e.g., EHRs).

The HL7 Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (CCDA) is an XML-based markup standard which provides a library of Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) formatted documents. Clinical documents using the CCDA standards are exchanged billions of times annually in the United States. All certified EHRs in the United States are required to export medical data using the CCDA standard.

Note: CCDA Import and Export is only available to Healthie Enterprise level customers at this time. Customers can reach out to to enable this functionality for their accounts.

Add a Client via CCDA File

In order to add a client via a CCDA File, navigate to your Clients tab (left navigation sidebar). Click on Action (...) > Add Client via CCDA file.

When you click on "Import CCDA File", select the appropriate XML file on your local device, and click on "Add via Uploaded File."

You will see a green confirmation banner with a "View Client" button when your client (e.g. Jeremy Bates) has been successfully added from your CCDA XML file. If you wish to view the newly created client's profile, click on "View Client."

In the case that there is an issue with the XML file you've uploaded that prevents the client from being created, you will see a red error banner similar to the one shown below. We recommend following the best practices outlined in this "View Guidance on CCDA Files" document to troubleshoot if necessary.

If you are interested in importing multiple clients, learn more here.

Importing and/or Exporting a CCDA File

Healthie provides you with the ability to export a CCDA file. In order to do this, navigate to Clients (left navigation sidebar) > select Client Name. After you reach the Client Overview page, click on the Charting tab.

You will now see a box labeled "Records" which allows you to:

  1. Download Client Journaling Summary
  2. View the current client's CCDA data by clicking "View CCDA Information"
  3. Import CCDA File
  4. Export CCDA File

Importing a CCDA File

When you click on "Import CCDA File", select the appropriate XML file on your local device, and click on "Add via Uploaded File."

When this XML file is successfully uploaded, you will be navigated to a new page called "CCDA Reconciliation."

Exporting a CCDA File

When you click on "Export CCDA File", a CCDA file will be created and added to this clients' private Documents (when you navigate to Client Name > Charting > Documents > View Documents). You will also see a green confirmation banner as shown below, that will directly route you to the client's private Documents if you click on "View Documents".

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