Healthie's Calendar, EHR, and core features of the platform use timezones to log and record actions taken by you and your clients. This is useful for streamlining operations related to appointment booking, confirmation and reminder e-mails, and managing your schedule. Healthie will automatically detect changes in yours and your client's timezones, but you can also manually set a timezone for your Healthie account.
System Detects a Timezone Change
Healthie's system will detect if you are in a timezone different from your regular timezone, and show a following prompt asking you if you'd like to change your timezone.
Change Your Timezone Settings
You can change your preferred timezone by navigating to Settings > Personal. Type in the Timezone search box to find your preferred timezone, or scroll through the list of available options. Once you make a selection, Healthie will show you the current time in that timezone, so you can be sure you made the right selection.Your timezone affects your appointment times and the times that you see in reports. Your clients have their own timezone setting so that each person sees times in their appropriate timezone. By default, Healthie uses the timezone of your computer or device.
Update a Client's Timezone
Providers can adjust client timezones directly from the client's profile within Healthie. To do so, navigate to the client's profile and click on the "Actions" tab. Under the "Personal Information" drop down on the Client Info page, you can select the client's timezone from the drop down menu.
How Healthie Determines Your Timezone
Healthie automatically determines your timezone based on your device's settings. We store that in UTC in our system, and render it in the timezone selected by the provider, or based on the device's settings.
To view or change your device's settings, you can follow these steps
- Mac OSX - https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/change-date-time-settings-mchlp1124/mac
- Microsoft Windows - https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/6401-change-time-zone-windows-10-a.html or https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4026213/windows-how-to-set-your-time-and-time-zone
- Apple iOS (iPhone) - https://support.apple.com/guide/iphone/change-the-date-and-time-iph65f82af3e/ios
- Android - https://support.google.com/android/answer/2841106?hl=en
How Healthie Determines Your Client's Timezone
There is a hierarchy of how Healthie sets the timezone in which your client receives texts, reminders, and other information related to their work with you:
- If your client has set their own timezone, that will show up
- If your client has not set a timezone, your timezone as the provider will show up
- If you / your clients have not set up a timezone, then by default UTC will be shown in the UI, while EST will be shown in our emails. In general, this last step should rarely occur.
View Calendar in Different Timezones
Healthie makes it easy for organization members to understand and manage the schedule of team members who are in a different timezone.
Click down on the timezone tab under Calendar to adjust your calendar view into another timezone. Appointments and Availability will adjust accordingly.
Adjust Timezone When Scheduling Appointments
Healthie's Calendar, EHR, and core features of the platform use timezones to log and record actions taken by you and your clients. When adding a new appointment to a schedule, a timezone field will appear. The timezone will default to the local timezone for the person setting the availability, but can be adjusted by clicking the drop-down.
Adjust Timezone When Setting Availability
When adding one-time or recurring availability to a schedule, a timezone field will appear. The timezone will default to the local timezone for the person setting the availability, but can be adjusted by clicking the drop-down.
FAQs: Timezones
I'm working with someone in a different timezone, does that change anything?
Healthie will automatically convert dates and times between you and the other person, and adjust the availability that the client sees, based on their timezone.
Note: Depending on the specific hours of your availability, and the client's timezone, your available hours may show up on the subsequent day. For example, if you are in New York and have the time slot 10PM EST open on June 24th, your client in London will see this availability appear on June 25th, but not on June 24th.
How can my clients adjust their timezones?
Your clients can also log into their web portal and adjust their timezone settings from the main settings menu.
Timezones are not related to the client's phone number, but rather the timezone that a client has set on their phone or computer when they start using Healthie. They can always adjust it later by following the prompts in their "Settings" tab.
If I have a client in a different timezone, will their calendar reflect their timezone and my timezone correctly?
Yes! Healthie will automatically convert dates and times between you and the other person, and adjust the availability that the client sees, based on their timezone.
I am part of an organization with multiple providers. Can we each set our own timezones?
Yes. Timezones are individual, so as a provider you can set yourself up in your own timezone (using the instructions above) if that's easier for you / an assistant / other providers to review. E-mail confirmations and reminders for your clients specifically will be sent in YOUR timezone.
What timezone do journal entries show?
If your client is in a different timezone from you, when you view their journal entries or logs, the system converts these timezones into your local timezone.
How does Healthie Handle Daylight Savings Time?
Healthie's Calendar automatically adjusts the following based on Daylight Savings Time that is set by the provider, so there are no changes needed on your end:
- Scheduled appointments with clients
- Shareable embed links
- Provider Availability
Here are some examples of what happens:
- If you have a scheduled appointment at 10AM ET, after a daylight savings adjustment, the appointment will continue to be at 10AM ET for the client.
- Provider availability will continue to be the windows that they have specified, and will NOT adjust up or down based on daylight savings.
- Shareable embeds will still pull provider availability based on the adjustment made due to Daylight Savings Time.
- If you have a provider in a state or region that does not "celebrate" Daylight Savings Time, for example Arizona, that is working with patients in an area that "celebrates" Daylight Savings time, we pull from the availability of the provider. Double clicking on this:
- If a member is in Arizona, and provider is in California, appointment times for a provider will look shifted, but stay consistent for the member.
- If a provider is in Arizona, and member is in California, there will be a shift in appointments after DST for the member on their calendar.