Bridge by Healthie
As an API-First EHR, customers can seamlessly retrieve data stored in Healthie into a data warehouse of their choosing. Here is some information and best practices on Analytics for Product and Dev Teams.
Healthie is releasing Bridge by Healthie as an add-on Product available to Enterprise Customers. Bridge by Healthie is a developer tool that saves time and effort making specific queries to Healthie Database by pulling data into an S3 Bucket, for developers on Healthie to pull into their own data warehouses or BI tools.
To get started, complete our Bridge by Healthie Interest Form.
In this article:
- Enables organizations to directly connect to regularly updated bulk data for seamless ingestion into tools like BigQuery, Snowflake, Tableau, or others.
- Saves developer time by eliminating the need to write custom API calls to query data from Healthie.
Frequency and Table Coverage
Update Frequency: Today, the S3 bucket updates every 15 minutes. In the future, we will make this closer to real-time.
Table Coverage:
Initial tables:
- Users
- Appointments
- AppointmentInclusion
- AppointmentType
- Tags
- RequestedPayments
- Availability
- BillingItem
- Entry
- FormAnswer
- FormAnswerGroup
Customer must have an active AWS account in order to leverage Bridge by Healthie. The S3 bucket is one that we own, and their data is accessible via access policies that give them access to just your data. There are no limitations on storage / space.
How to Access Bridge
To get started, complete our Bridge by Healthie Request Form. We will circulate an addendum and enable Bridge by Healthie on your account.
To be notified of updates and timeline for this release, subscribe to the portal card. If you have questions, pleas reach out to
Bridge tables and fields
- id integer NOT NULL,
- date timestamp without time zone,
- user_id integer,
- other_party_id integer,
- created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- confirmed boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- length integer,
- contact_type character varying,
- reason text,
- appointment_type_id integer,
- location text,
- actual_duration integer,
- pm_status character varying,
- deleted_at timestamp without time zone,
- max_attendees integer,
- appointment_category character varying,
- appointment_inclusions_count integer DEFAULT 0,
- notes text,
- external_id character varying,
- external_id_type character varying,
- appointment_location_id integer,
- zoom_start_url character varying,
- zoom_join_url character varying,
- is_zoom_chat boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- client_confirmed boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- recurring_appointment_id integer,
- time_recurring_override boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- is_blocker boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- room_id integer,
- pm_status_changed_at timestamp without time zone,
- active_appointment_inclusions_count smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- pending_appointment_inclusions_count smallint DEFAULT 0,
- creator_id integer,
- provider_inclusions_count smallint DEFAULT 1,
- patient_reschedule_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- external_videochat_url text,
- price numeric,
- cpt_code_id integer,
- units smallint,
- metadata jsonb,
- pm_status_last_changed_by_id bigint,
- last_updated_by_id bigint,
- late_cancellation_fee numeric DEFAULT 0.0 NOT NULL,
- no_show_fee numeric DEFAULT 0.0 NOT NULL,
- insurance_billing_enabled boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL
- id integer NOT NULL,
- user_id integer,
- appointment_id integer,
- appointment_role character varying,
- created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- deleted_at timestamp without time zone,
- attended boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- confirmed boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- cancelled boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- external_uuid uuid,
- attended_at timestamp(6) without time zone,
- join_time timestamp without time zone,
- leave_time timestamp without time zone
- id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying,
- user_id integer,
- length integer,
- created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- clients_can_book boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
- user_group_id integer,
- is_group boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- "position" integer,
- embed_question_form_id integer,
- require_specific_providers boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- dont_ask_for_reason boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- is_waitlist_enabled boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- bookable_by_groups boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- bookable_without_group boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
- deleted_at timestamp without time zone,
- custom_text_reminder_body text,
- require_in_state_clients boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- pricing numeric,
- pricing_option character varying,
- auto_increase_charge_for_actual_duration boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- metadata jsonb,
- insurance_billing_enabled boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- client_facing_display_name character varying
- id integer NOT NULL,
- user_id integer,
- day_of_week integer,
- range_start timestamp without time zone,
- range_end timestamp without time zone,
- created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- is_repeating boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- appointment_location_id integer,
- appointment_type_id integer,
- contact_type_id integer,
- end_on date,
- timezone character varying,
- deleted_at timestamp(6) without time zone
- id integer NOT NULL,
- sender_id integer,
- amount_paid numeric,
- recipient_id integer,
- cpt_codes_super_bills_id integer,
- created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- stripe_charge_id character varying,
- offering_id integer,
- payment_medium character varying,
- deleted_at timestamp without time zone,
- is_canceled boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- currency character varying,
- refund_amount integer,
- refund_date timestamp without time zone,
- offering_coupon_id integer,
- coupon_code character varying,
- original_price numeric,
- note text,
- recurring_payment_id integer,
- payment_number integer,
- receipt_last_sent_at timestamp without time zone,
- requested_payment_id bigint,
- failure_reason character varying,
- state integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- error jsonb,
- requested_payer_id integer,
- taxes_paid numeric,
- original_failed_payment_id bigint,
- successful_retried_payment_id bigint
- id integer NOT NULL,
- sender_id integer NOT NULL,
- recipient_id integer,
- offering_id integer,
- status character varying,
- closed_at timestamp without time zone,
- billing_item_id integer,
- created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- appointment_id integer,
- price numeric,
- invoice_type character varying,
- cms1500_id integer,
- notes text,
- is_preview boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- email_sent_at timestamp without time zone,
- services_provided text,
- service_date timestamp without time zone,
- requested_payer_id integer,
- deleted_at timestamp without time zone,
- payment_number integer,
- recurring_payment_id integer,
- original_price numeric,
- offering_coupon_id integer,
- automated_billing_item_attempts_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- offering_price_at_invoice_creation numeric(10,2),
- organization_id bigint NOT NULL
- id integer NOT NULL,
- username character varying,
- user_id integer NOT NULL,
- fax_number character varying,
- created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- organization_id bigint NOT NULL
- id integer NOT NULL,
- user_id integer,
- custom_module_form_id integer,
- created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- filler_id integer,
- deleted_at timestamp without time zone,
- finished boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- appointment_id integer,
- name character varying,
- embed_appointment_id integer,
- course_id bigint,
- record_created_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
- marked_complete_at timestamp without time zone,
- locked_by_id integer,
- locked_at timestamp without time zone,
- external_id character varying,
- metadata jsonb
- id integer NOT NULL,
- user_id integer,
- custom_module_id integer,
- form_answer_group_id integer,
- answer text,
- created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- deleted_at timestamp without time zone,
- label character varying,
- conditional_custom_module_id bigint,
- filter_type integer,
- value_to_filter character varying,
- connectable_id bigint,
- connectable_type character varying
- id integer NOT NULL,
- description text,
- user_id integer,
- category character varying,
- created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- image_file_name character varying,
- image_content_type character varying,
- image_file_size integer,
- image_updated_at timestamp without time zone,
- type character varying,
- viewed boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- metric_stat numeric,
- percieved_hungriness integer,
- ed_prehunger integer,
- ed_posthunger integer,
- emotions integer,
- reflection text,
- added_by_user_id integer,
- deleted_at timestamp without time zone,
- hide_from_main_feed boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- form_answer_group_id integer,
- third_party_source smallint,
- parent_entry_id integer,
- subentries_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- entries_in_average smallint,
- is_meal_template boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- previous_water_intake_stat smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- external_id character varying,
- external_id_type character varying,
- symptoms character varying,
- other_symptom character varying,
- custom_metric_id bigint,
- id bigint NOT NULL,
- user_id bigint NOT NULL,
- name character varying NOT NULL,
- created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- organization_id bigint NOT NULL
- id integer NOT NULL,
- email character varying DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,
- created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
- gender character varying,
- first_name character varying,
- last_name character varying,
- dob date,
- dietitian_id integer,
- height numeric,
- avatar_file_name character varying,
- avatar_content_type character varying,
- avatar_file_size integer,
- avatar_updated_at timestamp without time zone,
- stripe_id character varying,
- unique_code character varying,
- phone_number character varying,
- tax_id character varying,
- npi character varying,
- license_num character varying,
- seen_welcome boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- ssn character varying,
- other_id_qualifier character varying,
- qualifications character varying,
- other_id character varying,
- active boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
- used_code character varying,
- user_group_id integer,
- timezone character varying,
- deleted_at timestamp without time zone,
- default_currency character varying,
- quick_notes text,
- skipped_email boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- lock_timezone boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- record_identifier character varying,
- additional_phone_number character varying,
- has_completed_intake_forms boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- blast_seen boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- activity_level character varying,
- seen_onboarding_complete_page boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- next_appt_date timestamp without time zone,
- legal_name character varying,
- fullscript_practitioner_id character varying,
- last_active timestamp without time zone,
- active_care_plan_id integer,
- consented_to_labs boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- scheduling_priority integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- default_stripe_customer_detail_id integer,
- sex character varying,
- gender_identity character varying,
- dosespot_patient_id character varying,
- living_plate_meal_plan_id character varying,
- living_plate_user_id character varying,
- dismissed_lock_charting_note_warning boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- permanently_disable_tz_prompt boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- pronouns character varying,
- devices_unavailability boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- primary_ethnicity_code smallint,
- secondary_ethnicity_code smallint,
- gender_identity_code character varying,
- preferred_language_code character varying,
- primary_race_code character varying,
- secondary_race_code character varying,
- dismissed_charting_note_addendum_warning boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- sexual_orientation_code character varying,
- rupa_patient_id character varying,
- primary_ethnicity character varying,
- secondary_ethnicity character varying,
- additional_record_identifier character varying,
- metadata jsonb,
- archived_at timestamp without time zone,
- auto_charge_enabled boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
- sexual_orientation_other character varying,
- is_provider boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- dismissed_insurance_eligibility_warning boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- new_course_item_last_notified_at timestamp(6) without time zone,
- default_dosespot_clinic_id character varying