Deep dive: Cancellations Report

The Cancellations report enables you track and view client-reported cancellation reasons. This report is available to download and provides your organization with actionable insights to identify trends and take steps to reduce future client cancellations. This report is available under the Reports tab in the Appointments section.

Accessing the Cancellations Report

From your Healthie Dashboard, navigate to Reports>Cancellations Report>Select the Date Range>Click 'Download Report' button (top right)>Generated Reports

This will automatically generate the report within your Healthie Documents Library as a CSV file within the Generated Reports folder. You may open it directly from your computer, rename the file, relocate the file within your library or even delete the file. 

Fields Included in Cancellations Report

The Cancellation Report allows you to view:

  • Provider Name
  • Patient Name
  • Appointment Type
  • Appointment Status
  • Cancellation Reason
  • Other Cancellation Reason
  • Cancelled By
  • Cancelled At

Note: The cancellation reason is reported by the client.

"Cancellation Reason" column

The Cancellation Reason column reflects the reason selected by clients from the dropdown in their appointment details. Clients can choose from the following cancellation reasons:

  • Scheduling conflict
  • Illness or medical issue
  • Personal or family emergency
  • Financial concerns
  • No longer needed
  • Other

"Other Cancellation Reason" Column

The "Other Cancellation Reason" Column is populated when a client picks "Other" as their cancellation reason and decides to provide details about the cancellation. Providing details is optional for the client so this field may not contain additional details.

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