Reports by Healthie
Reports by Healthie: Overview
Healthie Reports download as a .CSV file, which can be downloaded to your local drive.
Easy to download and organize, Healthie’s Reports make it easy to:
- Pull client information and track key activity
- Analyze metrics and health outcomes
- Run analyses on appointments (no-show rates, most common appointment types, etc)
- Track payments, bank transfers, Superbills, and CMS 1500 data.
- For organizations: understand individual and aggregate provider performance, track CMS 1500 claims and status by provider, organize accounting by provider
- Track the number of credits client have left and for which appointment type.
- And much more
Reports are not visible to clients. If your client would like to share a report / download of their metrics or other records, we would recommend having them Print a PDF snapshot of their metrics.
Notes for Organizations:
- If you are part of an organization, you will ALSO see the "Organization" version of each of the reports listed below. These reports are identical in columns, but where relevant, include columns for providers and/or Care Teams.
- If you are part of a group practice or organization, you may not see some reports, which are only visible to organization administrators, based on permissions settings
Reports Available in Healthie
Below is a list of the reports available to providers and admins within Healthie.
Appointment Reports
Our appointment reports enables you to download details and records of appointments scheduled within the platform. Use these reports to reconcile client appointments by provider, by location, and run analyses on appointment no-show rates, amongst other needs — and keep track of cancellations.
Payment Reports
Keep financial oversight of your business with this collection of billing reports. Utilize this reports in lieu of an accounting software, and send to your accountant as needed (ie. for quarterly or end of the year reporting)
- Payments Report
- Clients' Credits Report
- Transfers Report
- Invoices Report
Clients Reports
A collection of reports designed to give you insights into your client demographics, their activity within the platform, insurance details, and more. As a reminder, clients do not see these reports.
- Client List
- Clients' Activity (Goals, Log-ins, Posts)
- Client Metrics
- Client Source Report
Insurance Billing Reports
Keep financial oversight of your business with this collection of insurance billing reports. Keep track of claim submissions, reimbursements, client paid/owed amounts, client insurance authorization details, and more.
- Clients' Insurance Authorization
- CMS 1500s
- Superbills
Program Reports
Healthie Programs allows providers to build online courses for clients to enroll in, and complete. Get insights into your Program's success, client progress, and more.
Download a Report
Click on the desired report and it will be downloaded to your documents area under "Generated Reports" This may take up to 30 minutes, depending on the volume of information being pulled. Some reports may display a "Report Dashboard" and you'll find the "Download Report" button located at the top right.
Data will appear in a .CSV file format for your review and analysis.
Depending on your web browser, clicking the report directly to open the file may display in a non-readable format. If this occurs for you, we suggest right clicking on the report within Healthie documents, and selecting "Download Linked File." This will automatically download a CSV formatted file to your local device. CSV files can be open in Numbers or Excel.
Suggestions to Leverage Reports in Your Business
Here are six common use cases of Healthie's reporting:
- Corporate Wellness: Tracking client data and outcomes to share with employers and human resources departments. Metrics tracked is fully customizable, and common fields include goals completed, weight, BMR, health education / satisfaction of service (Scales of 1-10), engagement levels and participation in webinars and courses, appointments completed, and packages purchased outside of what was included initially
- Engagement in a concierge plan: See how active clients are in terms of client logging, messaging, and relate these to outcomes.
- Goal achievement: Use the Client Activity (Goals, Log-ins, Posts) to assess how client's are achieving their goals
- Group Practice Billing: Download data around your appointments, tie that into out-of-pocket and insurance billing, assess performance, and track Superbills / CMS 1500s.
- Quizzes and surveys: Leveraging Healthie's Intake Form System and custom auto-scoring feature, build quizzes and download results to get feedback and assess performance.
- Downloading client e-mails for newsletters: Want to send a monthly newsletter to your clients? Download this report.