Overview: Tasks

Healthie's Tasks feature is a structured "to do list" that enables providers and teams to stay organized and complete important actions. 

Task Management 

Healthie Tasks enables providers, admins, and support staff to: 

  • Assign certain action items to yourself, that you need to take for your business and for your clients' needs within Healthie
  • Associate tasks with specific clients to ensure you are completing action items in between sessions or after a session
  • Assign tasks to other members of your organization and view tasks that others have assigned you

Create and View Tasks

To create a task, click on the "Tasks" icon on the top bar of your Healthie account. You will be asked to write a description, determine the priority of the task, and assign it to a provider/ tag a client.

Tasks can also be created within Chat to streamline your workflows. Learn more: Create a Task in Chat

You will also be able to view all tasks that you have created in a summary view called the Tasks Details Page.

Click the Task creation icon > Click the blue Details button 

The Tasks Details page will show you all current tasks created or assigned to you, as well as other relevant information (due date, creator, assignee, associated client, created date, completed date, and more actions).  

When you create a task and tag a client, the task will show up within the Client's profile along the side navigation bar. Clients will not know that you have created a task and associated it with their profile / account.

Create a Task for a Team Member

There may be instances in which you'd like to create a task for another organization member to complete. If you'd like to do this, simply assign another provider to the task that you create.

When you create the task, the organization member will be notified.

Note: depending on your organization settings, you may only see providers / clients in which you have permissions to communicate with.

Prioritize Tasks

You are able to set a priority level for tasks that you create within Healthie. You will be given the option of indicating that a task is "High priority" when creating a task."You are also able to re-order tasks by dragging and dropping the tasks within the "Task details" page. Additionally, you can set a due-date for your tasks which will display directly below the task item -- ensuring that you not only can keep track of high-priority tasks, but deadlines as well. 

To add a due-date for a task:

  • Go to the "Tasks" icon and click "Add New Task" 
  • Complete the task details 
  • Click the option for "Add due date" > Select date 
  • Save the task 

You can view all the tasks for your organization, and edit a task by going to your Task List and clicking the blue "View All Tasks" button.

Here you'll see a list-view of all tasks, including filters to sort by completed and not completed tasks. Click the action icon (three dots) next to a task. Select "Edit" from the drop-down. 

Sorting Tasks

If you are interested in Sorting Tasks, e.g., by Due Date, within your Task List, click on the arrow next to "Due Date" and you will be able to sort your tasks by this column header.

Notifications & Reminders for Tasks 

When creating a new task via Healthie Tasks, you'll see the option to "Add Reminder" (if you create a task with a due date). Choose if you'd like to be reminded: 

  • 2 days before the task due date 
  • 1 day before the task due date 
  • On the due date of your task 

At 8am (local time) you'll receive an email notification reminding you of the upcoming task. If your task was assigned to a team member, they will receive the notification. 

  • Create a new task, and enter details 
  • Click "Add Due Date" and select a date  
  • You'll see an option appear "Add Reminder" > from the drop-down choose a timeframe for your reminder. 
  • Click "Add Task"

Tasks on the Healthie Mobile App

The ability to view, create, and check-off tasks can be manageddirectly from the mobile app. This allows you to stay on top of your important business items, from wherever you are. 

To access Tasks on the mobile app, make sure you have the latest update of the Healthie app. When a new update is available, a green banner appears when logged into the app, which will prompt you to complete the update. Tap the banner. Don't have the app yet? Learn more about the Healthie mobile app for iOS and Android. 

Tasks can be found by tapping the hamburger menu (3 lines) on the top-left of your account, select "Tasks" from the menu.

On the mobile app, you can: 

  • View "My Tasks" and "Assigned Tasks"
  • Create a new task 
  • Mark a task as completed 
  • Modify an existing task
  • Delete a task 

To create a task from the app: 

  • Navigate to Tasks 
  • Tap the ( + ) sign on the top-right 
  • Add your description 
  • Tap "Add Task" 

High Priority Tasks 

You also have the option of marking your task as "High Priority" so that it will show at the top of your Tasks list, with a red indicator. 

Assign Provider or Tag a Client 

To assign your task to another member of your organization and/or associate it with a client, you can do so while creating your task. Please review the earlier sections in this help article to understand the implications of assigning or tagging tasks. 

Marking a Task as "Not Complete"

In the case you unintentionally mark a task as "Complete," you have the ability to unmark the task and revert it back to "Not Complete." Simply click the check mark, and the task should now be incomplete, and the check and strikethrough removed. You can do this from the task details list, any tasks listed in a client's profile, and tasks in the top bar of your dashboard. 

Additionally, within the tasks details list, you can click on the action menu and select "Mark Not Complete" for any completed tasks you would like to revert to incomplete. 

Marking a task incomplete will not send another email notifying the provider a task has been assigned to them, and task reminders will still go out as scheduled. 

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