Healthie Mobile Apps for iOS and Android

Healthie's mobile app is available on both iOS and Android with the app name "Healthie." It serves as a companion tool for both providers and clients for on the go communication, food logging, appointment scheduling, and more. Both the iOS and Android mobile apps are free for both providers and clients to download and utilize.

Downloading Healthie's Mobile Apps

Healthie's mobile app is available in app stores internationally. If you cannot find the app through the direct links provided above, search for "Healthie" within the app store, also identifiable by our logo. 

  • iOS App Store link here
  • Android (Google Play) Store link here

Note: The minimum iOS version that Healthie supports is 12.0

Logging In to Healthie

Please use the same e-mail address as you use to log into the Healthie platform, to log in on the mobile app. 

Based on the login that you use (e.g., a provider or client) the mobile app will automatically log you into a provider mobile app or client mobile app experience accordingly.  

Clients that work with multiple organizations that use Healthie will be able to select/switch the account that they'd like to be signed into for a certain upload. 

Note: To protect provider and client security, you may see auto-logout after a period of inactivity. This extends to the mobile app and the web platform login. We recommend re-logging in with your username and password credentials to pick up where you have left off. 

Core Features of the Healthie Mobile App

The same app can be downloaded for both providers and clients, however the experience will be different depending on whether client or provider credentials are used to log in. 

Provider version: 

  • Client logging: Providers can view their clients' photo-based food journal, selfies, activity, metrics, and comment on entries
  • Goals: Providers can view client goals and completion rates
  • Messaging: Securely communicate with clients (and other providers if in a group practice) on the go
  • Telehealth: Conduct video consultations
  • Appointments: View appointments, and book a new appointment
  • Documents: View documents that clients have shared with you, and upload new documents
  • Client profiles: View profiles and an overview of your clients  

For a walk-through of Healthie's core features and experience on the mobile app, please review our pre-recorded Healthie videos. You'll find all our recorded classes here within Healthie University.

Client version:

  • Activity and food logging: Clients can create a photo-based food journal, take selfies, and log workouts, track individual metrics and activity. Clients can view the comments that providers have left them. 
  • Goals: Clients can view and mark goals as complete
  • Messaging: Securely communicate with providers
  • Telehealth: Conduct video consultations
  • Appointments: View appointments, and book a new appointment
  • Documents: View documents that clients have shared with you, and upload new documents
  • Intake forms: complete and e-sign forms 
  • Programs: clients can complete online education programs if offered by their healthcare provider. 

Note: Billing, such as making payments or purchases, must be done from the web browser of a phone, rather than directly through the mobile app. This is due to how the Healthie app is categorized by Apple, and currently in-app purchases are not supported. 

Storage and Space Saving Tips

The amount of physical storage that Healthie occupies on a phone cannot be altered. 

For working memory, you are able to keep apps from running in the background using your phone's settings. Below are links to resources to walk you through how to accomplish this for either an Android or an iPhone:

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