Clients Having Multiple Accounts with Providers

There may be instances in which a single client e-mail address has multiple Healthie accounts. There are two reasons why this would occur:

  • A client you are working with also works with another provider/organization that uses Healthie. 
  • Two clients that have created a Healthie account with the same email (e.g., family members that share an e-mail address)

Healthie's system allows clients to switch between provider workspaces, and therefore engage with multiple providers that use Healthie. 


Clients Switching Accounts on Web

Here is what this experience looks like for your client when they log in to their Healthie account. When logging in, your client will be given the option of selecting the Client Portal they would like to continue with. 

Once they make a selection it will direct them to that specific account. On the top of their homepage client's have the option to switch to another account when needed. 

Clients Switching Accounts on Mobile

Here is what this experience looks like for your clients on the app. Towards the bottom of your client's navigation bar on the app, there is an option for a client to switch their account. 

Additional Notes

  • For account security as a provider, you as a provider will not know if/whether a client has multiple Healthie accounts with providers that use this platform, unless your client informs you of this directly.
  • Your client profile/information is secure and separate from other providers, and will not be impacted by your client working with multiple Healthie providers / organizations
  • At this time, clients cannot upload one journal entry into multiple, independent accounts. We will update this article if this capability becomes available. 
  • If a client would like to disassociate with a provider, they will need to reach out to that provider directly, in order to coordinate next steps. Healthie cannot modify the providers with which your client has active Healthie accounts with. 
  • If a client has a profile in multiple organizations under the same email address, admins can't change a client's password if the client was switched into a different org.
  • If a client has a profile in multiple organizations under the same email address, emails out of Healthie will contain the branding of the last org the client was switched into.
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