Deep dive: Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Support

Healthie offers providers that deliver the CDC's Diabetes Prevention Program several resources to help with facilitation and delivery.

Note: These resources are made available as a premium add-on to your account, and you must be on the Healthie Plus Plan or above. There is a fee of $25/provider/month for this add-on. If you are interested in accessing these, please e-mail

Here is an overview of what we offer: 

1. Diabetes Prevention Programs Modules: Healthie has built out the CDC's default program, in English & Spanish, for your utilization in Programs. While many organizations elect to customize the module / lesson experience, the CDC's initial templates can serve as a great starting point for your program delivery. Please e-mail to purchase the add-on and accessing these. 

2. Diabetes Prevention Program Report: Healthie's Smart Form for Diabetes Prevention Program makes it easy for you to aggregate and submit required information to the CDC for the purposes of tracking participant engagement and outcomes, as well as collecting reimbursement based on program delivery. 

  • If you have purchased the DPP Add-on, you will see a charting template on your account called "DPP Sessions" - if you complete this template within your client's Chart Note, the answers generated in that template will populate into your DPP Report. 

3. Handouts and Resources: Here are some resources to help you with learning about DPP, and why organizations use Healthie to deliver DPP:

Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Report

If you are interested in accessing this report, please e-mail us at

You will be given a specific charting template to complete, and answers generated in that Charting Template will populate into your DPP report. 

Generate Your DPP Report 

Once you've been using the DPP charting template for your DPP clients, you are able to generate a DPP report that will aggregate your data in a CSV file. The report is generated in a special formate that the CDC uses, making it simple to report your data to the CDC. 

To generate the report: 

  • Navigate to Forms > Search for DPP
  • Select [...] > Edit
  • Click the Options button on the top right 
  • Select Download Form Responses

Your CSV file will become available in your Generate Reports folder within Documents. This may take up to 30 minutes to complete, you can navigate away from forms and use the platform as usual.

Columns in Healthie's DPP Report

The Diabetes Prevention Program Report Template is based on the recommended columns by CDC for tracking participation and outcomes. 

These columns currently include:

  • ORGCODE: Provided by DPRP Up to 25 alphanumeric characters* 

    *All alphanumeric coding values are case sensitive and should not include any spaces or special characters. If you would like this code to automatically populate into your report, please email us at with your code. 
  • PARTICIP:  Participant ID is uniquely assigned and maintained by the applicant organization and must not contain any PII. Up to 25 alphanumeric characters *All alphanumeric coding values are case sensitive and should not include any spaces or special characters.
  • ENROLL: At enrollment, participants are asked by whom they were referred to this lifestyle change program. If a participant’s referral source is not provided, this variable will be coded as ‘9’.
  • Possible Values:

    1. Non-primary care health professional (e.g., pharmacist, dietitian)
    2. Primary care provider/office or specialist (e.g., MD, DO, PA, NP, or other staff at the provider’s office)
    3. Community-based organization or community health worker
    4. Self (decided to come on down)
    5. Family/friends
    6. An employer or employer’s wellness program
    7. Insurance company
    8. Media (radio, newspaper, billboard, poster/flyer, etc.), national media (TV, Internet ad), and social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
    9. Other
    10. Not reported 
  • PAYER:  At enrollment, participants are asked “Who is the primary payer for your participation in this lifestyle change program?” If a participant’s payer source is not provided, this variable will be coded as ‘9’.

    Possible Values:

    1. Medicare

    2. Medicaid
    3. Private Insurer
    4. Self-pay
    5. Dual Eligible (Medicare and Medicaid)
    6. Grant funding
    7. Employer
    8. Other Not reported
  • STATE: Two-letter abbreviation for the U.S. state or territory in which the participant resides.
  • GLUCTEST: Acceptable tests include FG, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), A1c, or claim code indicating a diagnosis of prediabetes. 

    Possible Values:

    1. Prediabetes diagnosed by blood glucose test
    2. Prediabetes NOT diagnosed by blood glucose test (default)
  • GDM: 

    Possible Values:

    1. Prediabetes determined by clinical diagnosis of GDM during a previous pregnancy

    2. Prediabetes NOT determined by GDM (default) 

  • 1. Prediabetes determined by risk test

    2. Prediabetes NOT determined by risk test (default)

  • AGE: 18 to 125 (in years, rounded with no decimals)
  • ETHNIC: If ethnicity is not reported by the participant, this variable will be coded as ‘9’

    Possible Values:

    1. Hispanic or Latino
    2. NOT Hispanic or Latino
    9 Not reported (default)
  • AIAN: If race is not reported by the participant, all of the 5 race variables will be coded as ‘2’

    Possible Values:

    1. American Indian or Alaska Native
    2. NOT American Indian or Alaska Native (default)
  • ASIAN: If the race is not reported by the participant, all of the 5 race variables will be coded as ‘2’

    Possible Values:

    1. Asian or Asian American
    2. NOT Asian or Asian American(default)
  • BLACK: If a race is not reported by the participant, all of the 5 race variables will be coded as ‘2’

    Possible Values:

    1. Black or African American
    2. NOT Black or African American (default)
  • NHOPI: If the race is not reported by the participant, all of the 5 race variables will be coded as ‘2’

    Possible Values:

    1. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
    2. NOT Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • WHITE: If race is not reported by the participant, all of the 5 race variables will be coded as ‘2’      

    Possible Values:

    1. White
    2. NOT White (default)
  • SEX: 

    Possible Values:

    9 Not reported 

    Possible Values:

    30 to 98 (in inches)

  • EDU: 

    Possible Values:

    1. Less than grade 12 (No high school diploma or GED)
    2. Grade 12 or GED (High school graduate)
    3. College- 1 year to 3 years (Some college or technical school)
    4. College- 4 years or more (College graduate)
    9 Not reported (default)
  • DMODE:

    Possible Values:

    1. In-person

    2. Online 

    3. Distance learning  

  • SESSID: Core sessions and any core make-up sessions should be numbered 1 through 26. The session ID should correspond to the specific session attended. Core maintenance and any core maintenance make-up sessions should all be coded as ‘99’. Ongoing maintenance and any ongoing maintenance make-up sessions should all be coded as ‘88’.

    Possible Values:

    1 to 26 Core or makeup session
    99 Core maintenance or makeup session
    88 Ongoing maintenance or makeup session (for Medicare DPPsupplier organizations or other organizations that choose to offer ongoing maintenance sessions).
  • SESSTYPE: Any session delivered in months 1-6, even if pulled from months 7-12 of the PreventT2 curriculum content, for example, must be coded as a Core session, C. Any session delivered in months 7-12, even if pulled from months 1-6 of curriculum content, must be coded as a Core Maintenance session, CM.

    Possible Values:

    C: Core session

    CM: Core maintenance session
    OM: Ongoing maintenance sessions (for Medicare DPP supplier organizations or other organizations that choose to offer ongoing maintenance sessions)
    MU: Make-up session
  • DATE: Each data record represents attendance by one participant at one session; must specify the actual date of the session. One make-up session per week may be recorded on the same session date as a regularly scheduled session. Date format should be: mm/dd/yyyy
  • WEIGHT:  At each session, participants are weighed; weight must be included on the record for that session and participant. Weight may be obtained by the Lifestyle Coach or participant or a Bluetooth-enabled scale. For Medicare DPP suppliers, participants cannot self-report weight.

    Possible Values:
    70 to 997 (in pounds)
    999 Not recorded (default)
  • PA: At some or all program sessions, participants are asked to report the number of minutes of brisk physical activity they completed in the preceding week. If the number of minutes is greater than or equal to 997, 997 should be used. If a participant reports doing no activity during the preceding week, then zero (0) minutes should be recorded. The default value of 999 should only be used until physical activity monitoring begins in the curriculum.

    Possible Values:

    0 to 997 (in minutes)
    999 Not recorded (default)
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