Merge clients

When a new client is added to Healthie, a unique account is created for them. It's possible that a duplicate account may be created for a client if: 

  • A client/provider creates multiple accounts with different email addresses
  • A client is added to the platform without an email address, and another account is created with an email 

It's best practice to consolidate these accounts so that your client has only one profile -- this will eliminate any confusion around booking appointments, billing, and charting. 

Note: in order to merge two accounts, both accounts have to be listed as active. If one of the accounts is archived, you will need to unarchive the account first in order to merge. 

To merge client accounts 

  1. Log into Healthie > Navigate to "Clients" tab from the menu
  2. Search for your client and check the box next to the client account(s) that you would like to merge. You must select two accounts for the merge option to appear (you cannot merge more than two at a time) 
  3. Click the "Merge" icon that appears on the bottom of your screen 
  4. Select the personal information that you would like to maintain for the account 
  5. Select the email address you would like to maintain for the account > Click "Merge Clients" 

Once the merge is complete, you'll see a confirmation banner appear. Please note, merging a client cannot be undone. If you need assistance with client merging, please email our team at

What happens when I merge client accounts? 

  • The email that you indicated in your merge preferences is maintained. 
  • The personal details for the account you indicated in your merge preferences is maintained. 
  • The new single account will have the Documents and Charting notes from both accounts.
  • If only one of the clients/accounts has a credit card on file it will be kept regardless of what email or personal information is choosing. If both accounts have a credit card on file, both will remain on file as well.
  • Only the credits from the selected email are kept.

Please note, merging a client cannot be undone. If you need assistance with client merging, please email our team at

Admin permissions for "merge" 

Account admins can set "permissions" for specific providers that will give/prevent merge capabilities. 

If you are a provider in an organization trying to merge a client and getting the error message "not authorized" please reach out to your account administrator, and they can make adjustments to your settings: 

  • Settings > Organization 
  • Members 
  • Click the "edit" icon next to a specific team member 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the options, to "Can merge clients" 

Keeping the box "checked" will allow this team member to merge any client accounts. If deselected, the team member will be able to select multiple clients from the client list, but the "merge" option will be grayed out for them.

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