Active and Archived Clients

No longer actively working with a client? Remove them from your active client list by archiving them. This will help to keep your clients better organized and limit some functionality for archived clients. 


What Happens When a Client is Archived

Your client files & records will be viewable in the "Archived" tab. You will still have full access to their information, and can always bring them back to Active status if you decide to work with them again. Client files are not deleted permanently & clients do not know that they have been archived. 

Archiving a client will also:

  • Remove them from any live group chats or message blasts/community chats
  • Remove the client from your notifications feeds
  • Prevent newly shared documents from being put into their account
  • Cancel any upcoming appointments with the client
  • Cancel any scheduled payments that the client has 
    • If you would like the client to finish making payments ie. on a subscription, you may want to archive once the final payment has been made, or stop the recurring payment and instead send an invoice for the remaining amount to be paid at once. 
  • Providers will not see client journal entries in their journaling feed (but will still be able to go to the client’s profile > Journaling as needed to see entries) 
  • Prevent new documents and forms from being shared with the client, or requested to complete
  • Prevent the client from receiving goal completion push/email reminders 

By default, clients will still be able to take the following actions, even if they are archived (unless you manually disable these features for a client):

  • Message their provider via Chat in an existing Chat conversation
  • Book an appointment
    • An archived client booking  a session will automatically unarchive their account, and move them to active clients
    • To prevent an archived client from booking future appointments, providers can disable this setting for the client’s account "Schedule Appointments." Learn more about Client Portal Settings
    • It's not possible for a provider to book appointments with an archived client. You'll want to unarchive them first if you'd like to book an appointment on their behalf.
  • View and participate in an existing Community Chats that they are included in
  • Log Journal Entries
    • To prevent an archived client from creating journal entries, providers can disable this setting for the client’s account "Can View & Create Journal Entries."  Learn more about Client Portal Settings.
  • View documents & post-session notes you have made visible to them
  • View forms they've already completed
  • Purchase a client package through a package embed or URL that was shared with them 
    • Purchasing will automatically unarchive their account, and move them to active clients
    • To prevent an archived client from purchasing future packages, providers can disable this setting for the client’s account "Can View & Purchase Packages."  Learn more about Client Portal Settings

View Program content for programs they are already enrolled into 

  • To prevent an archived client from completing or enrolling in future programs, providers can disable this setting for the client’s account "Can View & Complete Programs."  Learn more about Client Portal Settings

Additional Notes on Archiving Clients: 

  • Archived clients will remain in the group they are assigned. Providers may want to manually change a client’s group when archiving them, or remove them from a group altogether. 
  • Providers can adjust what features of Healthie a client access/see when logged in. Providers can adjust Client Portal Settings for each client. 
  • A forthcoming update will stop email reminders/push notifications from being sent to the client. 

Archive & Bulk Archive Clients

You can archive a client from within the "Client" tab in your Healthie account. You may want to archive a client when they are no longer working with you. Clients will not receive a notification that they have been archived, and they will continue to have access to their Healthie Client Portal, along with any resources you had previously shared with them. 

However, they will not be able to book appointments, interact in group chats, or receive any new resources. 

To archive a client: 

  • Go to the "Clients" tab on your Provider dashboard 
  • Select the Client
  • Find your client, and click the "Actions" tab (3 dots) next to their name 
  • Select "Archive" from the list

Bulk archive many clients at once

You also can archive several clients at once. Simply check the box next to your client's name within the client list. An "Archive" button will appear at the bottom of your screen. Click to bulk archive. A side panel will display showing relevant each client you've selected, and if they have any remaining credits or money owed. Confirm your decision to archive these clients. 

Archive all clients assigned to a client group

Clients > Client Groups > [...] > Archive All Clients

Archiving clients within a group will not archive the group itself. New clients can be added to this group at any time. 

View Archived Clients

Your archived clients are organized in your "Clients" within Healthie. Archived clients will display indefinitely.

To view archived clients: 

  • Go to the "Clients" tab on your Provider dashboard 
  • Select the "Archived Clients" tab 

Unarchive a Client

You can easily move an archived client back to your active client list. You may want to do this if a client who was previously working with you has now revisited. 

To unarchive a client: 

  • Go to the "Clients" tab on your Provider dashboard 
  • Select the "Archived Clients" tab 
  • Find your client, and click the "Actions" tab (3 dots) next to their name 
  • Select "Activate" from the list

Deleting a Client Account

To prevent accidental data loss, and to ensure that our providers are maintaining requirements by HIPAA & healthcare industry standards for data storage and retention it is currently not possible for you to permanently delete a client from your account. 

If your previous clients are continuing to receive notifications for your portal, you can unsubscribe them from e-mail notifications. E-mail if you'd like assistance with this. 

Additional Notes

  • Clients will still be able to access their Healthie accounts to log food and workouts and view their profiles once you have archived them. 
  • Customize an archived client's experience with Healthie by adjusting their Client Portal Settings
  • If you try and add a client that is archived or active in the Healthie system under your provider account already, you will get the message "Email in use." 
  • Archived clients will remain in the group they are assigned. Providers may want to manually change a client’s group when archiving them, or remove them from a group altogether. 
  • A forthcoming update will stop email reminders/push notifications from being sent to the client. 

For Starter Plan Members: 

If you are on Healthie's beginnings plan, you can have up to 10 active clients at a time, and an unlimited number of archived clients. Archived clients do not count towards your 10 active client count. 

If you have your calendar or package linked externally, and a 10th client attempts to book/buy services, they will NOT be blocked and will be allowed to proceed as expected. You will receive a notification that your account status will be updated to the next level up if you do not archive clients go below the 10 active client threshold. 

A Note for Organizations: 

If you do not see the option to re-activate a client, and you are part of an organization, then you do not have permission. Please reach out to your admin and request the setting "Can archive clients" be enabled for your account. This will allow you to both archive and unarchive clients. 

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