Group Appointment Waitlist

If you've created a Group Appointment type within Healthie, you have the option to set a "maximum number of attendees" that can book this session. If capacity is reached, clients will not see any availability for this appointment (rendering it not-bookable). To help providers maximize attendance for appointments, we've released an optional "Waitlist" setting for group appointments. 

Enable "Waitlist" for an appointment 

To turn on this setting, navigate to: 

  • Settings 
  • Calendar > Appointment Types 
  • Edit (or create a new) appointment 
  • Ensure setting "Bookable by client" is checked 
  • Check "Enable Waitlist 
  • Save

The waitlist option is only available for GROUP appointment types within Healthie. You can edit and turn this setting off at any time. 

On the Appointment Types overview, there is a "Waitlist" column, that will allow you to quickly review your appointments & settings. Appointments with waitlisting enabled will have a check displayed. 

Add a group appointment to your calendar

To add your appointment to your calendar, click anywhere on the calendar > review the appointment selections. This is where you'll be able to determine the "Maximum number of attendees" for the session. 

Tip: You can edit your created appointment at any time, and increase the number of attendees if necessary. 

Client Experience When Joining a Waitlist 

When a client attempts to book the specific appointment type that is currently full, they will see the option to "Join Waitlist" 

Once they Join, clients will see both an on-screen confirmation as well as an email confirmation. 

Clients will automatically be added to the appointment if a space opens up. At that time, they will receive a confirmation email for the appointment. They will still have the opportunity to cancel the appointment if they wish. 

Waitlist FAQs 

What if my client doesn't have credits for a session they are waitlisted for? 

Clients will be able to join the waitlist for a group session that they do not have credits for. Providers can either request payment from a client or manually add the client to the session. As a note, clients who do not have credits for a waitlisted appointment will not automatically be added to the appointment (if the provider requires credits for a session). 

If a client has joined the waitlist but can no longer can attend, how can they be removed? 

The client will receive a confirmation email, at which time they can cancel the appointment if the provider settings allow for cancellation. 

Do waitlisted clients get automatically added to the session if there's availability? 

If there is only 1 person on the waitlist, the client will automatically be added to the session. However, if multiple clients are on the waitlist, the open spot will be filled by the first client(s) to confirm their spot.  

Can a provider add clients to a session from the waitlist? 

We suggest that you edit the appointment to increase the capacity limit for the session, making more spots available if you wish to add more clients from the waitlist.

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