Reviews from clients

Reviews, testimonials and feedback (the good and the bad) are an important part of business building. Healthie makes it easy for you to collect reviews from clients, as you can send a request for a testimonial or review automatically after a session has occurred. 

Getting Started: Reviews from Clients

There are two steps for you to take, in order to request testimonials from your clients. 

Part 1: Finalize Client Testimonial Waiver Template

  • Within your Healthie Form Library (Forms > Intake Forms) you will see the form "Client Testimonial Waiver" - make any modifications that you'd like to make to this form. We recommend including the suggested Waiver / E-sign, if you are possibly interested in using any client name or demographic information. 
  • Note: If you do not see this form, please e-mail and we will add it to your account

Part 2: Have this form be automatically sent to your client after an appointment:

  • Here are instructions to have the testimonial release automatically sent post session
  • When you have set this up, clients will receive an e-mail prompting them to log in and complete your Testimonial Release form 
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