Tracking Client Source

Collecting data on the source of your client referrals can help you streamline your marketing efforts. Healthie makes it easy to track the source of your client onboarding. Learn more about manual, and (forthcoming) automatic ways to document client source.

Note: This feature is currently available for members on Healthie's Plus Plan and above.

Enable Client Source Setting 

The Client Source setting is off by default. To enable it for your account, please go to Settings > Business > Client Source 

Toggle the setting "On" 

Client Source in Client Profile 

Once the setting is enabled, a new field will appear within the Client Profile. 

Select a client > View Client Profile > Actions > Client Info

Expand the "Personal Information" section of their profile, where you'll find the "Client Source" field. 

You can manually select an option from the drop-down, which will save to your client's profile. 

Client Source drop-down options: 

  • Referring provider > select an existing provider from within your referral network, or add a new provider
  • Ad > (Facebook, Google, Twitter, ZocDoc) or select other to add a different ad 
  • Website > add the URL (optional) 
  • Client referral > select a client from your client list or select other to free text a client name 
  • Insurance company > locate the insurer from the drop-down 
  • Online directory > add the directory URL (optional) 
  • Other

If you select the "Other" option from the main drop-down category, you will be able to free-text the reported source.

Client Source Report 

As Client Source data is added to more client's profiles, you will see this data dynamically displayed & updated in the Client Sources report (Reports > Client Sources). 

By default, all source types are displayed in the breakdown, however, you can further filter your data. Click "All Types" filter at the top of the Report, and choose a filter option (ie. Referring Provider, Ad, Website, etc). 

You'll see both a bar graph, and a detailed list of client source data.

Capturing Client Source in Forms 

Healthie's intake form and charting template tools contain Smart Fields, which are auto-fill features that connect the intake form responses with Client Profile and Charting Template fields, to prevent providers from having to input the same piece of information more than once, into the portal. 

This saves providers and clients time collecting client information, and Smart Fields span client information, financial data, insurance information, and health fields. 

Leverage the Client Source smart field across any form or charting note to automatically populate responses into the client's profile, and into the Client Sources report. 

When creating or editing a form or charting template: 

  • From the Question Bank > Select Client Info section of questions 
  • Locate the field "How did you hear about us" 
  • Drag this field & position it onto your form

You can preview your form at any time by clicking the Options Button (top right) > Preview 

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