Smart Fields to Connect Intake Forms & Charting Templates

Healthie's intake form and charting template tools contain Smart Fields, which are auto-fill features that connect the intake form responses with Client Profile and Charting Template fields, to prevent providers from having to input the same piece of information more than once, into the portal. 

This saves providers and clients time collecting client information, and Smart Fields span client information, financial data, insurance information, and health fields. 

Use Smart Fields with Forms & Charting Notes 

If you have the same questions in your intake form as in your charting template, these fields will automatically pull from a client's completed intake form into your charting note on a client. 

You can have smart fields extend to some or all of the questions in your Charting Template. This is inherently determined by the question overlap between your Intake Form and Charting Template.

Smart fields is distinct from Charting Pre-fill, in which chart templates pre-fill from the previous chart notes you have created on a single client. 

To locate the smart fields, navigate to  Forms > Select Form

On the left-hand side, you will Question Banks Default. If you change the category from Default to Client Info, you will notice all the box options will change. 


Smart Fields vs. Copied Fields

Smart Fields, as mentioned above, are located within the "Client Info" drop down section available when building an intake form.  These fields, once filled out by a client in their intake flow, populate directly into a client's profile, as well as any chart notes with the same fields. 

However, Copied Fields, located under the "Copied" drop down section available when building an intake form, will pull from the most recently filled out form (Intake Form, Charting Note, Program Form) having that same field. This means the information being copied over will change as new chart notes, intake forms, or programs are completed. 

Note: When pre-fill is enabled for a charting template, by default, your charting note for a specific client will pre-fill from a previous session. The form will pull from the latest charting note for that patient using the same template. You are then able to build on top of these previous notes, knowing that edits that you make to the most recent chart note will only affect the CURRENT note, and will not affect previous notes. When a form has pre-fill enabled AND has copied fields:

  • If a patient does not have an existing charting note using the same template, its copied fields will pull information from the latest charting note sharing the copied fields.
  • If a patient has an existing charting note using the same template, the form will pull information from the latest charting note using that same template.

Commonly Used Smart Fields 

Not all fields in Healthie's Form Builder are Smart Fields. Here are the most popularly used fields that will auto-populate information into other areas of Healthie (ie. the Client's Profile)

  • Referring Provider used to capture the physician or healthcare provider who referred the client for your services  
  • Client First Name and Last Name will populate on the Client Overview Page, and will auto-fill across the platform, including in charting and billing 
  • Client Legal First Name will populate on the Client Overview Page, and will auto-fill across the platform (ie. into CMS 1500 claims). 
  • Client Date of Birth will populate on the Client Overview Page, and will auto-full across the platform, including in charting and billing 
  • Client Address will populate on the Client Overview Page, and will auto-fill across the platform, including in charting and billing 
  • Adding the ICD-10 diagnosis codes and CPT code fields within your charting note will auto-populate into a client's Superbill or CMS 1500 form, streamlining insurance billing 
  • Client Gender will populate in the Client Profile  (Actions > Client Info > Personal Information) 
  • Client Medications will add to the Client Overview Page 
  • Allergy, Sensitivity, and Preferences will populate in the Client's Information (Actions > Client Info > Allergies/Sensitivities) 
  • Metrics
    • Blood Pressure
    • Weight 
    • Body Fat % 
    • Blood Sugar 
    • Height 
    • BMI 
    • Waist Circumference 
    • A1C 
    • Oxygen Saturation 
    • Body Temperature 
    • Custom Metrics

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