Have Client Names Show in Google Calendar

Healthie's integration with Google Calendar allows for a push/pull of events between Healthie and Google. Your Healthie-generated appointments will appear in Google, and vice-versus. By default, Healthie-generated client appointments will show in Google as "Healthie Appointment" including the time and the contact type (in-person, video call, phone). This is intentional for privacy reasons. 

If you would like to see your client's full name appear in your Google Calendar, you will need to first sign a Business Associate Agreement with Google

Send a screenshot of the agreement to hello@gethealthie.com with the request to allow client details to send to Google. The following fields will be sent: Client First Name, Client Last Name, E-mail Address, Zoom URL. 

Best Practices for Organizations

  • If you'll be connecting one Google Calendar for the business, you'll only need one person to sign the BAA with Google.  
  • If providers in your organization will be linking different (ie. personal) Google accounts, then each provider will need to send us proof of a signed BAA with Google in order for us to share client data with their Google calendar. 
  • When this setting is enabled for your account, it will apply to all providers that have a Google calendar synced with Healthie.
  • If you've added new team members to your account, or they did not have the sync enabled, you'll need to reach out to hello@gethealthie.com to ensure this setting is enabled for their account.
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