Archive and Unarchive a Form or Charting Template

Keep your Forms Library organized by archiving any forms that you no longer actively us. You can retrieve and activate an archived form at any time. 

Archive a Form 

If there are intake forms, program forms, or charting templates that you no longer would like to display in your Forms list, it can be archived. 

  • Forms > Locate your form 
  • Click [...] and choose Archive  

When a form is archived it will no longer appear as an option when creating/editing an intake flow, creating a new charting note, and you will not be able to send a completion request for it. The form will be removed from any intake flow that it appears in. 

Clients that have already completed the form or received a request to complete it will still be able to view/complete the form. You and your clients will still have access to any archived forms that were completed or partially completed.

Once you select Archive from the dropdown, you will receive a confirmation pop-up with the details of what archiving a client entails. To proceed, click "Archive Form".

Unarchive a Form 

Select the Archived Forms tab from your Forms page. You'll see a list of all forms that have been previously archived. 

  • Archived Forms > Locate your form 
  • Click [...] and choose Un-Archive Form

When a form is unarchived, the following will happen:

  • The form will reappear in your active Forms list
  • You can select the form when creating or editing an intake flow (if it is an intake form) 
  • You can select the form when creating a new charting note (if it is a charting form)
  • You can request form completion from a client
  • The form will not be added to any intake flow it is a part of.
  • Clients who have already received the form as part of an intake flow or form request will not get the form again.
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