Prevent Double Booking of Rooms

Healthie's Calendar gives you the flexibility needed to run a multi-location, multi-provider organization, with automations built-in to save you time each step of the way. As an added layer to this, you are able to set up rooms within a single location to coordinate across your provider schedules. Sometimes, clinics will also use Healthie's rooms feature to indicate specific devices / therapies that are booked up at a particular time, and by a particular provider. 

If you're adding locations to your business for the first time, we suggest that you review our Quick Look Video: Managing Locations & Rooms.

You can avoid a client, or provider, from unintentionally double-booking a room by following the recommendations below. 

Limit Room Capacity to 1

Prevent clients from double-booking the room by adjusting the room capacity to just one booking at a time, within the location settings. 

  • Go to your Settings > Appt Locations > Edit your Location 
  • Once a Room has been added to this location, you can select Limit Capacity to 1

When this setting is enabled, when clients self-book an appointment, the system will only assign one client at a time to this room. Providers still retain the option to manually add appointments to their calendar, and to double book the room if desired. 

Filter Your Calendar Before Scheduling 

We recommend utilizing the filters on the left side of the Organization Calendar to see which locations have availability, prior to booking a client session. 

  • Under Appointment Types select ALL
  • Under Availability, select both options (one time and recurring availability) 
  • You can choose to select a specific location from the location filter, which will display all the appointments currently booked for that location. 

If you have multiple rooms for a location, you can click on a calendar appointment to display the session details. In the details, above the client name, you'll see the location that is booked and the room. 

To avoid double booking a room, be sure check the sessions details for appointment(s) that are booked at that time, to ensure the correct room is available. More information on booking rooms can be found here

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