Setting up Locations and Rooms

Healthie's Calendar gives businesses the flexibility needed to run a multi-location, multi-provider organization, with automations built-in to save you time each step of the way. As an added layer to this, you are able to set up rooms within a single location to coordinate across your provider schedules. Sometimes, clinics will also use Healthie's rooms feature to indicate specific devices / therapies that are booked up at a particular time, and by a particular provider. 

If you're adding locations to your business for the first time, we suggest that you review our Quick Look Video: Managing Locations & Rooms.

In order to enable in-person appointments, please add at least one location to your Account Settings > Appointment Locations

You may also want to review our best practices for preventing double-booking of rooms here

Adding Locations or Rooms to Your Account 

To add more that one in-person location to your practice, or to add multiple rooms that are bookable at a single location: 

Navigate to Calendar > MORE > Appointment Locations

Alternatively, you can also access your locations/rooms within your account settings: 

Settings > Appt Locations

Add locations rooms that you'd like to be bookable by your staff and clients. Once locations with rooms have been created, you will be able to schedule these appointments within your Calendar. For a client to be able to book an appointment at a location, ensure the following settings are enabled for your account: 

  • In your Account Settings > Contact Types > Support Contact Types includes In Person
  • In the Appointment Type Settings > Make sure the appointment type that you would like clients to self-book is set as Bookable and also has the contact type of In Person set. 

NOTE: If you'd like the address for your location to be visible for clients (ie. in their appointment confirmation emails), then we suggest that you use the physical address as the LOCATION NAME. 

Setting up Rooms

Healthie's Rooms feature enables you to:

  • Create a room within a single location, and set a Room Name
  • Schedule appointments within a specific room
  • Prevent double booking if you would like to apply a limit of 1 session per room at a time (this is optional)

Book an Appointment for a Location or Room 

Once you've added your locations/rooms within your account settings, you can then book appointments for clients, and indicate which location/room. 

  • Navigate to your Calendar > Add Appointment > Make sure the "in-person" contact type is selected
  • From the drop-down select your desired location 
  • If appropriate, you can also select your room from the drop-down 

Your client will receive a confirmation email with your appointment details. If you've used the address for the LOCATION NAME, then your client will see the location address in their confirmation email. 

Online Booking for Clients 

If you've enabled your appointment type to be "bookable" by clients, you can share your calendar link in several ways. Send a client the direct booking link to your calendar, your specific appointment, or embed your calendar on your website. Alternatively, you can include your appointment within a client package, so clients may purchase and book their appointment in the same flow. 

When clients book an appointment online, they will be prompted to select the appointment, date/time, and then populate with their information. On the client information booking page, they can also select the location for their appointment (if multiple locations are available).

Note: Clients won't be able to select a room for online booking.

Setting Availability by Location on Your Calendar

If you'd like to have differing availability for your locations, you can do-so by having this advanced calendar setting enabled for your account. Email to make the request. 

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