Change Healthcare Labs: Enrollment Form

Healthie has integrated with third-party partners to enable the fulfillment of E-Labs within Healthie and for streamlined coordination across the Lab Companies, our organizations, and your clients. 

This article contains information on Healthie's integration with Change Healthcare for lab ordering, specifically how to complete (and submit) the enrollment form. 

If you have not received an Enrollment Form, please email for more information. 

For Parent orgs with multiple sub-orgs, you are required to submit one enrollment form per org.

For your reference, you'll find an example completed form here.  

Clients Tab

The Clients tab corresponds to the dropdown list of sites that will be presented when ordering a lab in Healthie.

The following information is required for completion on this tab: 

  • Channel Partner: This should be listed as "Healthie Inc"
  • Client Name: This refers to your business sites location.
    • If you will be ordering labs from multiple business locations, you will need to list each location as a single line in the Clients tab. (Example: You have multiple sites - New York, California, Florida, Virtual).
  • Address: Fill out the associated columns with the street address, city, state, and zip code. 
  • Phone: Provide a valid phone number for your business. 
  • Contact Name & Email: Indicate your main point of contact (representative) for this business / location. 
  • Tax ID: Provide your business Tax ID number for billing purposes.

Optional information to complete in this tab: 

  • Fax 
  • Contact Phone (for your point of contact) 

Providers Tab 

Add the details for Providers that will be assigned to patients in Healthie when ordering labs.

Please provide the full name associated with your NPI (Ex. Sam Frances Smith). An NPI number is required for any provider that will be placing lab orders. NPI numbers are required for billing and ordering authorization.  

The Users Tab can be used to add Support staff and other team members without NPI numbers, who do not need direct lab ordering privileges. 

The following information is required for completion on this tab: 

  • Provider Last Name 
  • Provider First Name 
  • Provider NPI number 
  • Clinician User (Yes / No): you’ll list Yes for all providers that will be placing lab orders

Optional information to complete in this tab: 

  • Provider Middle Initial and Suffix 
  • User ID: If you have a list of preferred User IDs, please add them here. Otherwise, leave blank.
  • Provider Gender 
  • Provider Date of Birth 

User Tab 

The Users tab corresponds to all Support staff that will be setting up lab orders on behalf of Providers. Each user will need credentials to sign-in, so this tab helps Change ensure that credentials are created for all.

The following information is required for completion on this tab if Users are requested: 

  • User Last Name 
  • User First Name 

Optional information to complete in this tab: 

  • Mother’s Maiden Name  

User ID column: If you have a list of preferred User IDs, please add them here. Otherwise, leave blank and a User ID and password will be provided during the registration process. Healthie will notify you (and your team members) of their user credentials.

Lab Information

In this tab, you'll be able to list the lab vendors that you would like to have ordering privileges with, within Healthie. This separate list of lab vendors (Connect Labs List) is provided along with the enrollment form. You will refer to this list when completing the Lab Information on your enrollment form. 

If you did not receive access to this labs list, please email A lab vendor will need to be connected in order for your business to place lab orders in Healthie. 

1. Review the connected labs list and make your selections.

  • You must have an established account with each lab vendor.
  • The labs must be on the "CHC sponsored connected labs" list.

If the desired lab is not sponsored or not listed, find more information here about requesting these labs through Change:

2. List the Lab Vendor names (exactly as it appears in the CHC sponsored connect labs list)

Important: You must already be set up with an account directly with the requested lab vendor(s).

  • Lab Vendor name to Column A, exactly as it appears on the Connected Labs list.Parent and Child lab codes are provided for reference.
  • Add your Lab Account number in column B. 

Note: If you are set up with master and/or sub-account numbers with a lab vendor for multiple sites, please list each lab with the associated account number separately. (Ex. Lab1, 5333700 [Site A]; Lab1, 5333702 [Site B])

For Parent orgs with multiple sub-orgs, you must use a unique lab account number for each lab and sub-org.

Through this integration, your existing lab account (ie. with LabCorp, Quest, or another support lab vendor) will be connected to Change, and you will be able to order labs within Healthie for these vendors. Change and Healthie do not currently provide support in registering for lab vendor accounts.

Quest Labs: For customers (1) interested in connecting a current Quest account with the Healthie and Change integration, or (2) those looking to set up a new Quest account, please reach out to Andrew Buckley: In your email please indicate that you are a customer of Healthie and which of the two use cases above applies to you.

If you do not currently have accounts with any support lab vendors, you are welcome to explore Healthie’s other E-Lab offerings outside of Change.


In this section, provide information regarding the items below that apply, or any additional information you think Change Healthcare should know about your organization (ex. lab account numbers, billing, Providers, etc). Otherwise, you may leave this section blank.

  • If you will be printing labels and requisitions, please add a Requisition and Label Print Configuration option for your site.
    • For Non-IE PC users, request "Enable ScriptX Services" configuration to support auto formatting labels and requisitions for printing. (Note: This feature is permitted for Admin roles only. If PDF printing is preferred, request "Enable PDF Printing".) 
    • For Non-IE Mac users, request "Enable PDF Printing". 
  • If you are requesting a LabCorp connection - Labcorp will be sending an End User Lab Agreement (EULA) once approval is received, and will email the instructions for accepting the agreement. Please include the email of the individual that will be signing the EULA.
  • If you have a master account with sub-accounts, we would advise adding this information here (Lab, Master Account: XXX, Sub-accounts: XXX, XXX, etc.). 
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