E-Rx: Medication History

Healthie offers a E-Rx integration with Dosespot as an add-on to your Healthie plan, which enables clinical providers to prescribe medications electronically on behalf of their clients. Here is an overview of E-Rx and Healthie

This article reviews how to pull historical medication details for a client, within the E-Rx prescribing portal. This data is only accessible for accounts that have E-Rx enabled. 

Separately, medication data can also be directly documented within the Client's Healthie Profile. Learn More: Client Medication History

Access a Client's Medication History via E-Rx 

Prescribing Clinicians and Proxies can request to see a historical view of a client's medication history: 

  • Access E-Rx through a client's profile (as if you were going to manage prescriptions for a client)
  • Click the Medication History tab
  • Check off the box that the client has given you permission to access their medication history
  • Click Show Medication History

Screen-Shot-2023-02-08-at-8-58-08-AM.pngAs you need to acknowledge consent from the client, this historical medication information will not automatically be populated within the client's profile in Healthie at this time. You'll need to access the information directly within the client's profile, and acknowledge consent.

Client-Reported Medication History

We have added the ability to see all medications, including client-reported, and past medications directly within a client's Healthie profile (currently only prescriptions ordered through the e-Rx functionality will display). 

Learn More: Client Medication History

FAQs for Medication History

What medications pull in via the Medication History section in E-Rx?

The medication history is a service offered by Surescripts. It pulls data from the patient's Pam/payer. The list includes medications both within and outside the org.

How far back does the history show?

The history goes up to 12 months from the point of request.

Where are the medications being retrieved from?

The medications are being retrieved by the Pbm/payer claims and pharmacy orders.

What identifier is DoseSpot using to link meds to the right patient?

We send the patient's demographics and eligibility through the Surescripts network which is then sent to the patient's pbm/payer. Then the fill data is queued from the pharmacy and the result is sent back to DoseSpot.

Does the patient get notified when you click the box "Patient has given consent to retrieve medication history" or how would this consent work?

The patient is not notified when the provider clicks the consent checkbox. It is best practice to obtain consent from your patient to check historical records and medication history within an intake form. This can be added as a field to any Healthie form.

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