Change Healthcare: Claims Management

This article contains information on Healthie's integration with Change Healthcare for claims management. 

Healthie has integrated with Change Healthcare's Claims Management solution to enable organizations the option to submit claims directly to Change Healthcare, with the following capabilities:

  • Submit healthcare claims for a service or encounter
  • Review claim status updates and remittance notifications
  • Receive responses and resolve issues
  • Review reports from payers

Note: This integration is currently available for customers on Healthie Enterprise Plans only.

About Change Healthcare

Change Healthcare is a provider of revenue and payment cycle management that connects payers, providers, and patients within the U.S. healthcare system.

The Change Healthcare + Healthie integration for Claims Management enables providers to accelerate payments with analytics-driven claims management. Providers can now further automate workflows, improve staff efficiency, prevent denials, and accelerate cash flow with analytics-driven claims and reimbursement management. As a result, providers' interactions with patients are optimized by collecting patient payments faster and decreasing risk of bad debt by providing convenient payment options.

This integration will give organizations an additional option to submit claims, with the following capabilities:

  • Submit healthcare claims for a service or encounter
  • Review claim status updates and remittance notifications
  • Receive responses and resolve issues
  • Review reports from payers

Enable Change Claims Management Integration for Healthie

Healthie's integration with Change Healthcare Eligibility Checks is available for Enterprise Plan Healthie members only.

  • If you are interested in being notified when this integration is more widely available, please subscribe to our Portal Card to be notified.
  • Even if you have previously submitted a EULA for Change Labs and would like to now enroll in Claims and/or Eligibility as well, please follow the instructions here.  
  • There are nominal fees associated with the Change Healthcare Eligibility integration. Healthie will bill you monthly for usage based on the following rate: $0.30 per CMS 1500 claim submission.

Enrollment Instructions

Customers who have expressed interest in enabling this integration should have received an email with a prompt to complete an End-User License Agreement (EULA). After reviewing & signing the EULA, you will be provided with an enrollment spreadsheet by your Healthie Customer Success Manager.

Please complete all of the following required fields that are marked with an asterix (*) and return to us at

  • Name of Practice: The name of the practice should be the name that is being used to file claims. It would be the name that is registered with any current payers you might have. If you file paper claims today, the practice name will be the name you use in Box 33 of the CMS 1500 claim form.
  • Provider Name and Email: This should be the main point of contact for your organization. It can be a provider or other professional who you will want to have access to the connect portal to submit and search for claims.
  • Practice Address: If you submit claims out of multiple locations (multiple tax IDs), you will want to set up separate Change submitter IDs for each one. To do so, simply duplicate the address fields on the enrollment spreadsheet and add fill in the required information for each additional location. Please note that the practice names for each address will need to be different. You will also receive different usernames for each submitter ID.
  • Phone Number (optional)
  • Submitters and Additional Users: You will need to add the names and emails for every individual in your organization that you would like to have access to the Change Claims Connect Center. These will be individuals responsible for enrolling payers and reviewing eligibility and transaction history. Each user will be given their own username and login credentials. The main provider contact will also have access to all of this functionality. Once you’ve received your username and login credentials, you will need to login to the Connect Center portal to start enrolling your payers. The following screenshot shows how the My Settings > Access Features page will appear for individuals within your organization who are NOT the main provider contact.

Enroll Payers within Change Healthcare ConnectCenter

Every payer will have their own requirements and forms that need to be filled out for enrollment. Once inside the Connect Center navigate to the “Help” header and select “Customer Education” from the drop down list.

The customer education landing page has a resource video titled "ConnectCenter Overview" that will help guide you through the payer enrollment process.

Previously Processed Claims Using Change Healthcare

If you have previously submitted claims through Change Healthcare and have a 6 digit submitter ID, Healthie can ask Change to copy those enrollments over to your new submitter IDs.

Please email with the 6 digit submitter ID and names of all payers you’d like copied over. In the subject of the email please explain that you’d like Healthie to request a copy authorization for the listed payers.

Note: Change Healthcare doesn’t do end-to-end testing with payers (i.e. sending test claims for payers who require testing to admit submitter IDs).

Enrolling Payers for Multiple Submitter ID's

If you have multiple addresses and are requesting more than one submitter ID through the Change Claims and Healthie integration, we can save you time with your payer enrollments.

Once you have enrolled payers through Submitter ID A (your first location), please email and request a copy authorization for all payers listed under Submitter ID A over to Submitter ID B (your second location).

FAQs: Change Healthcare Claims Management

Find answers to frequently asked questions regarding this integration here.

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