Managing Referring Providers

Healthie makes it easy for providers and organizations to keep track of the healthcare professionals that they are in communication with. Diligently keeping track of your referral network will allow you to maintain important client communication, as well as continue to nurture your network to receive ongoing referrals.


Referrals within Healthie

There are two primary ways that you may have relationships with other providers:

  • Business relationship
  • Referral relationship

Business relationship with other healthcare providers

If you have an official business relationship with another provider, you will likely want to add the provider(s) to your Healthie account so that they have direct, ongoing visibility into client information. This is helpful if you work closely with the same set of clients. You can set permissions such that they have direct visibility into client information & PHI. We recommend this approach if you fall under the same business entity or have a formal business relationship in place with this provider. Here are instructions to add a provider to your Healthie account

Referral relationship with other healthcare providers

If you frequently refer to / from other healthcare providers, we recommend managing them as part of your referral provider list within Healthie. 

To access your Referring Provider List, Navigate to Gear Icon (top right)Settings > Referring Providers. Here, you will see a list of all referring providers that you have entered into the system, and how many clients they are associated with. 

This feature allows you to maintain a master list of referring providers independent of their relation to a particular client. Moreover, you can quickly view your top referring providers. 

You are able to save and sort by a provider's Name, Business Name, Specialty, City, and # Clients Referred. Moreover, you can view and edit specific details about this referring provider. Referring providers will only have access to the specific records that you share via E-Fax. These providers will not have a Healthie account login through your account membership.

If you need help importing a list of your referring providers, e-mail

Add Referring Provider Field to an Intake Form 

Automatically collect referring provider details from clients during onboarding, by adding this field to your intake form(s). 

From the Form Builder Question Bank, select Client Info and locate the Referring Provider Field. 

Drag this field onto your intake form. 

When a client is completing your intake form, they will be prompted to put in the first and last name of the healthcare provider that referred them to your services. This information will automatically add to your Referring Provider directory, as well as the Client's Profile. 

This information can be helpful when managing your network of referrals, or for billing purposes, such as when completing CMS 1500 claims. 

Learn more below. 

Add or remove a Referring Provider

Within your list of Referring providers, you can add New Referring Providers, and choose to associate existing clients with this provider. You will be prompted to add their basic information, contact information, clients you'd like to associate with this provider, and any notes that you'd like to save. Notes are not viewable by the Provider or by your clients but can be used as an internal reference for you and your team.

To add a new Referring Provider:

  • Navigate to the Gear Icon on the top-right of your dashboard > Settings 
  • From the left-hand side panel, select "Referring Providers" under Business
  • Click the blue "Add New Referring Provider" button 

A side panel drawer will slide out, prompting you to complete information on the Referring Provider, including: 

  • Name 
  • Business Name 
  • Specialty 
  • Accepts insurance (check the box to indicate "yes") 
  • Contact information 
  • Notes 

You'll also be able to directly indicate which clients were referred by this Referring Provider. Either select "Add Existing Client" to associate a current client, or click the "Add New Client" button to add your newly referred client. Once added, this Referring Provider will also display within your client's profile. Alternatively, you can add a Referring Provider directly through your client's profile, which we review in the section below. 

You can remove a referring provider by clicking the action tab (three dots) to the right of your Referring Provider contact. From the drop-down select "Delete." A pop-up will display asking you to confirm your decision. 

Add a Referring Provider within a client's profile

You may find it easier for your workflow to add a new referring provider directly through your client's profile. You are able to have multiple referring providers on file for a single client, as well as remove the association of a referring provider with a specific client. If a provider's information is associated with a particular client, then the Referring Provider information will pre-populate into CMS 1500 and other forms in the platform, as well as within the Client's Profile.

To add a referring provider through a client's profile: 

  • Go to the "Clients" tab on your dashboard and select your client 
  • Click the "Actions" tab 
  • Under "Client Info" click the "Referring Providers" button
  • Click "Add Referring Provider" button > Complete the information

To edit the Referring Provider's information:  

  • Navigate to your client's profile > Actions > Client Info 
  • Expand the "Referring Physician" section (which can be used to track any referral, not just physicians) 
  • To edit an existing provider, click the [...] > Edit 

A side panel will display, allowing you to adjust or add any information as needed. This information will be saved, and will update the main Referring Providers section of your Account Settings, to prevent duplicate work.

Sort and manage Referral List

Once added, you can "View Details" on the referring provider by clicking the action tab (three dots) next to their contact info on the list. This will quickly display the Referring Providers' contact information, associated clients, and any notes that you have added. 

On the main Referral List display, you can sort your list by: 

  • Referring Provider Name 
  • Referring Provider Business Name 
  • Specialty 
  • or City 

Simply click the ARROW next to the category that you would like to sort your list by. 

Import or export Referral List contacts

You can easily import contacts into your Referral List by contacting the Healthie team. Send us an email to and our Support Team will assist you with the import. 

You may find the need to export your Referral List (ie. if you'd like to add referring contacts to a mailing list). 

To export referral contacts:

  • Navigate to the Gear Icon on the top-right of your dashboard > Settings 
  • From the left-hand side panel, select "Referring Providers" under Business
  • Click the "Export as Spreadsheet" button 

You'll see a green confirmation banner appear stating "Your spreadsheet is being generated, once it has been generated it will appear in the Generated Reports folder in "Documents." You will be able to continue working within Healthie while the report generates. This will generate a CSV file containing the following information" (based on the information you have completed) 

  • First Name, Last Name
  • Business Name
  • Specialty
  • Accepts Insurance (Yes/No)
  • Phone Number
  • Fax Number
  • NPI
  • Email
  • Address
  • Website
  • Number of clients referred
  • Any notes you have included 

For Group Practices and Organizations

If you are a member of a group practice or organization, you are able to see all Referring Providers in your Organization, if you have the permission enabled "Can see all clients in the organization." If you do not have this permission setting enabled, you will only be able to see referring providers that are associated with one or more of your clients. If you are an organization admin, you can adjust your team's settings.

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