Deep dive: Programs Report

You can pull a detailed Programs Report within the Reports section of Healthie. This pulls information related to Programs / Courses you have created and shows you how clients have engaged with programs that you offer. 

Benefits of Programs Report

  • Seeing which client(s) have completed modules that you have shared and that are available to them, relative to a full program 
  • Running analyses on how engaged clients are, in Programs, by cohort, group, or Start Date
  • Tracking the number of clients enrolled in a particular program that you offer

Columns Included

The Programs Report Includes the Following Columns:

  • Program
  • Unique ID
  • Client
  • Client Email
  • Current Status
  • Client Group
  • Client's Provider
  • Enrolled
  • Start Date
  • Completed Modules
  • Available Modules
  • Total Modules


  • If you have multiple programs, each Program Report will show up in its own .CSV file
  • The report is sorted by the "Enrolled" column, with the most recent date at the top
  • "Current Status" shows whether a Client is Active or Archived at the time in which you pull the report (Learn more)
  • The "Completed Modules" column should be the number of modules that the client has completed from the program

Accessing the Programs Report

  • Navigate to Reports (left navigation sidebar)
  • Click on Programs > Client Status
  • Scroll to the top of the page and you will see an "All Providers" button. When you click on this, you should be able to filter your Program Report by provider.
  • Select the "Download Report" button at the top right of the page. Your report will then be generated, which can take up to 30 minutes. You will receive an email when the report is available to download, and the file will live within Documents (left navigation sidebar) > Generated Reports folder.

There are two versions of this report:

  • Provider Programs Report
  • Organization Programs Report

Note: Only Group Practices / Organizations will be able to view the Organization Program Report. Depending on your specific organization settings, you may see one or both of these reports. 

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