Google Fit and Healthie

Healthie integrates with Google Fit to enable clients to sync their Google Fit app data with Healthie, and for a provider to view that data.


Data pulled from Google Fit into Healthie

Healthie will pull the following activity and metrics data, if they have been enabled by the client, from Google Fit into Healthie:

  • Steps
  • Weight
  • Sleep
  • Walking distance
  • Running
  • Cycling
  • Swimming
  • Meditation/Mindfulness
  • Body fat percentage
  • Waist circumference
  • Food/meal tracking (if available) 
  • Number of activity minutes and additional details (ie. sleep quality) 

If you would like another metric or activity type to be added, please Contact Us for consideration.

Disable Google Fit

If you would like to turn off the ability for your clients to sync their Google Fit with Healthie, you can navigate to Settings, and disable "Google Fit." This can be enabled / disabled on a global, group, and individual client basis. If you have disabled this, Clients will not see the ability to Integrate their Google Fit account with Healthie when they navigate to Integrations. 

Sync Details

Google Fit syncs every 2 hours with the Healthie app. 

Additionally, in order for information to sync properly, you as the provider must enable the ability to track metrics that sync from Fitbit within the client's settings. Navigate to your client's profile, and click on "Actions" and select the "Settings" tab. Under the "Metrics" box, you can select/de-select the metrics setting you wish to track for your client. For example, if the "Weight" button is not selected, weight data will not sync from Fitbit, even if the client has linked their Fitbit account with Healthie. 

View Entries from Google Fit

Metrics entered into Healthie are visible in a Client's Journal section.

Data synced from Google Fit appears with the tag "Google Fit" on the specific entry.

Instructions to share with clients to set up Google Fit

Clients can log into the Healthie Website or Healthie Mobile App, navigate to "Integrations," and Connect with Google Fit.

Note: Please make sure you have enabled this integration for the client. Otherwise, they will not see an option to Connect their Google Fit account. 

Here is a guide you can share with clients, to walk them through set up: Sync your Google Fit Account with Healthie


  • This integration is Free & included on all Healthie membership plans
  • Data entered in Healthie will not push into Google Fit
  • Data syncs from a client's Google Fit account into Healthie once daily, around 8:30am Eastern Time
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