Client Settings: Customizing on Global, Group and Client Levels

Healthie is designed to allow clients and providers to work together, and for clients to easily share data about their health, food intake, lifestyle, and more. Providers are able to customize the settings for a client account, including the option to disable settings that are not relevant to the client's care (or to the provider's care approach and specialty). 

Below is a list of the the settings that a provider can manage regarding client care: 

  • Client Portal experience: control which aspects of the Client Portal (ie. billing, journaling, documents) that a client may access. Learn more.  
  • Food journaling: control which features of Healthie's food journaling tool are visible for clients and required for them when completing a food entry. Learn more
  • Water intake: enable clients to track their daily water intake, and set an optional goal for their daily intake. Learn more
  • Metrics logging: control which metrics clients can view and/or track. Learn more
  • Fitness logging: enable (or disable) clients from tracking workouts or uploading pictures of themselves. 
  • Symptom logging: enable (or disable) clients from tracking symptoms. Learn more.  
  • Client Notes: enable (or disable) clients from adding free text journal entries. Notes can be used to log thoughts, reflections, progress updates, symptoms, and more. Learn more
  • Poop logging: enable (or disable) to track bowel movements, including form and frequency. Learn more
  • Integrations: enable (or disable) clients to sync wearable fitness devices and other health tracking tools. Learn more
  • Chat: enable (or disable) clients from sending messages via Healthie chat. Learn more.
  • Goals notifications: customize how a client will receive notifications (email and/or in the Healthie app) to complete their goals, and how often notifications are sent (never, daily, weekly, monthly). Learn more

These settings can be adjusted at different levels:

Adjust client settings on a global level

Click the settings wheel on the top right of your Healthie provider account (next to your profile picture)You'll be able to select or deselect any preferences from each of the settings categories. 

Note: the changes you indicate here will be over-ridden by any preferences you indicate in the group or individual client level 

In the JOURNAL ENTRIES section of settings, you'll be able to customize food journal, metrics, and fitness settings as well as customize the notifications that clients receive for goals. 

There is also a default "Eating Disorder" setting which you can select at any level, which will automatically hide certain features of Healthie that may be triggering for disordered eating clients, learn more here

Adjust settings on a group level 

If you'd like to have different settings for different groups of clients, you can adjust the group settings:

  • Select "Clients" from your Healthie provider dashboard 
  • Choose the "Client Group" tab
  • Find the group you'd like to change the settings for > Click the 3 dots next to the group (Actions) 
  • From the drop-down, choose "EDIT SETTINGS" 

You'll see the same Settings as the Global level, and you can select/deselect any preferences 

Note: the changes you make at the Group level will over-ride the Global settings 

Adjust settings for an individual client 

Lastly, you can adjust any of these client settings for any client. This will allow you to fully customize their Healthie experience.

  • Navigate to your client's account 
  • Select "Actions" from the menu 
  • Next to "Client Info" which shows by default, you'll be able to click "Client Settings" 

The same Settings list will show on the individual client profile. You'll be able to select/deselect any of these preferences.

Note: The changes you indicate at this level will over-ride the Global and Group settings you have in place. 

Settings within a Care Plan

Healthie's Care Plans feature enables providers and organizations to apply common protocols and methods of care to clients, while still facilitating the customization/personalization that may happen on a per-client basis. Within a Care Plan, you can add wellness recommendations, upload documents for clients to access, automatically set goals, and more. 

Note: When a Care Plan is applied to a client's account, and activated, the settings in the Care Plan will override any of the settings already indicated for the client account. 

Troubleshooting Tip: If you are adjusting a client's settings within their client profile, but they are not displaying properly for the client, please check to see if you have an active Care Plan designated to their account. 

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