Announcements to Clients in Healthie

There may be an instance in which you would like to share services, promotions, or offerings with your clients. You may be announcing these features on social media, newsletter lists, and/or in person or during sessions.

Healthie's Announcements feature allows you to promote anything that you'd like to share with clients, within the Healthie platform (web and mobile app), and you are able to customize your announcements per client group. 

Note: Announcements feature is free on all paid plans. You must be an admin on the account to be able to create announcements.

Announcements: Getting Started

Navigate to Marketing > Announcements > Add an Announcement

Create your announcement by adding the following information: 

  • Name: For internal reference only (clients will not see it) 
  • Groups: Select client group(s) to display your announcement to - you must have active clients in the selected group in order to activate the announcement. You must select a group, announcements will not show to clients who are not in a group. 
    • Selecting All will make the announcement visible to all active clients
  • Title: The header for the announcement that will be visible to clients
  • Image: For best results, use an image with aspect ration 4:3 and a minimum size of 480 x 320 pixels
  • Description: The body of your announcement, visible to clients (Note: there is a character limit) 

Adding a Link to Your Announcement 

In the description section of an announcement, you can paste a URL link, or hyperlink to a URL (use the link icon). You may want to use this feature in the event that you'd like your client to take an action - such as sign up for a class, purchase a package/program, or take action outside of Healthie (ie. visit a landing page, website, etc). 

Set Announcement(s) as Active 

After you've created your announcement, it will only display to clients if you've taken the additional step to make it active. You can do so by clicking [...] > Set as Active

Note: You must select a group, announcements will not show to clients who are not in a group. 

Once active, the announcement will display on the client home page, in both web and the Healthie mobile app

There is no limit to the number of announcements you can have as active. For clients, they will see a banner when logged into Healthie, and can scroll down to see all announcements as needed. 

Clients can also close out an announcement by clicking the X at the top-right of each announcement. 

Clients can always return to an announcement, and see what's new, by clicking the announcement icon (located next to the bell icon in their account). 

Manage Announcements

You are able to centrally view and manage your announcements. When you navigate to Grow > Announcements, and you have Announcements set up, you will be able to edit and turn off announcements that you have created. 

If you are part of a Group Practice or Organization that uses Healthie, and do not see Announcements in your Navigation Menu, please check with your site administrator, to confirm that they have set up permissions for you to Add Announcements on behalf of the Company. 

Announcements: Examples

  • Disclose changes in appointment hours/locations
  • Share important messages about changes in your policies
  • Promote an available class, or upcoming webinar
  • Drive sign up for products, classes, programs, client packages, or sessions
  • Share health tips, recipes of the month, link to blog posts, and more. 

Clients Viewing Announcements on Mobile 

If there is an active announcement, and the client is included in the associated group(s) for the announcement, they will see an announcement icon on the top right of the mobile app. 

Clicking this app will show them active announcements. 

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