Zoom: Cloud Recording

Healthie's Zoom integration is the HIPAA-compliant level of Zoom video and cloud recording. 

Zoom's Cloud-recording feature allows you to store recordings of videos on the cloud, versus on your local device. Healthie's integration with Zoom is HIPAA-compliant, which places guidelines on how cloud-recording can be set up and occur on your account. 

Zoom cloud recording can be turned on at the account level. For SMBs and group practices, Healthie charges an add on fee of $25 per provider per month, and each provider in your organization must participate (e.g., cannot just have one provider in a group turn this on (as of 1/27/2022). For enterprise customers, Healthie charges a flat add-on fee of $200 per month for 200 hours of cloud recording.

To request Zoom Cloud Recording, please email hello@gethealthie.com

Record a session to the Cloud

When Cloud Recordings is enabled on your account, within a Zoom session, when pressing "Record" you will see an option to "Record to the Cloud." Select this option to record a session to the Cloud.

Access Cloud Recordings

After a session has ended, Zoom will start the conversion process, which can take up to an hour, depending on the length of the session. 

Once this process has been finished, you will be able to view the recording in Calendar > Appointment (see Recording 1 in image below).

Any team member who has access / visibility to the appointment details will be able to view the recording. You can adjust these permissions following these instructions. At this time, it is not possible to store these recordings within a client's chart. 

FAQs: Cloud Recordings

How can Cloud Recordings be deleted? 

Please reach out to hello@gethealthie.com and we will generate a report of all recorded Zoom Meetings. You would then be able to mark off appointments in that report, and send that back to us to process deletions. 

Is there a place where I can view all recordings? 

Please reach out to hello@gethealthie.com and we will generate a report of all recorded Zoom Meetings. Note: If you have deleted a cloud recording, and don't store this recording somewhere else, it is not possible to retrieve the recording once it's gone.  There is no expiration on the cloud recordings, after which recordings will be removed. 

Can Cloud Recording be enabled for only some providers in an organization? 

Cloud recording cannot be enabled for only specific providers in an organization. There is a flat monthly fee that includes 200 hours of cloud recording/month, across all providers. 

If Zoom Cloud Recording is enabled, does it also enable transcripts for the recording as well?

Transcripts for cloud recording are not enabled automatically upon enablement of Zoom Cloud Recording. If you are interested in this functionality, however, we can enable transcripts on case-by-case basis. Please email Healthie Support Engineering at hello@gethealthie.com to learn more.

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