Save an Invoice as a Template

Healthie's Invoicing feature allows providers to send invoices to clients for specific one-time payment instances, outside of Client Packages. When creating an invoice for a client, providers will now see the option to "Save as Template." This will allow an invoice to be reused (and edited) in the future. 

To create a new invoice, navigate to "Payments" tab in the left-hand navigation bar and click "Create new invoice." At the bottom of the invoice, select the box "Save as Template." Once you've filled out the invoice details, continue on to Preview Invoice > Share Invoice.

Easily click "Apply Template" when next creating another new invoice. Locate your saved invoice template from the menu. 

The previously saved invoice details will automatically populate into the form. All details can be further edited. 


  • Invoice Templates cannot be independently created, you must create a new invoice and "Save" it as a template 
  • Templates are only accessible when creating a new invoice > Click "Apply Template" 
  • In a forthcoming update, providers will be able to view, access, and edit all invoice templates from within the Payments tab. We'll update this article when the release goes live. 
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