Client Tags

Client Tags offer an additional way (beyond Client Groups) to assign particular attributes to clients and automate specific actions based on Tags that have been established. While clients can only be assigned to one group, clients can have an unlimited number of tags. 

Getting Started: Client Tags

Navigate to Clients > Manage Tags to see a list of Tags you have created, and to create a new one

Within your Clients List, you will be able to apply tag(s) to particular clients. Use a comma to separate Tags when adding multiple Tags at once. 

Hover over a Tag in the client list to see all associated Tags for the client. 

Remove a Client Tag 

If you navigate to your Client List, you can click the tag and then click Remove from Client.

View & Manage Client Tags from the Client's Profile 

Tags can be viewed and added directly within the Client's Profile. Tags are located below the client's avatar or profile picture on the top-left. 

Use ( + Add Tag) to add a tag 

Hover over a tag and click [...] to remove the tag

Additionally, tags are listed in the "blue banner" at the top of the client's profile. This will allow tags information to be visible when navigating anywhere within the client's profile or chart. 

From the client profile page, tags can also be added and/or removed. 

  • Use the (+) symbol to add a tag 
  • Hover over an existing tag > [...] > Remove from client to delete a tag

Filter Client List by Tag(s) 

Filter your list of clients by clicking the All Tags option. 

Select or deselect tags to curate your list of clients. Click Apply to save your Tag selections. 

Adjust your Tag selections by clicking the Tags filter button. This will clear your tag selections, and you can adjust to add new ones. 

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