Change a Client's Group

If you'd like to change a client's group, you may do so from their client profile. 

Change a Single Client's Group 

  • Navigate to the Clients tab and select the client
  • Go to "Actions" from the top profile menu 
  • Expand the "Personal Information" section 
  • Find the "Group" field
  • Select the desired group from the dropdown

Note: When you change a client's group, they will be prompted to complete any paperwork associated with their new group. If a client is archived, they will NOT receive any notifications, and will remain archived. 

Bulk Change Clients' Group

If you'd like to change multiple clients' groups, you can use the bulk-edit function in Healthie 

  • Navigate to the Client's tab in Healthie 
  • Select the clients whose group you'd like to change 
  • Click the Actions button > "Change Group" that appears at the bottom of the screen 
  • Select the intended group from the drop-down menu 

What Happens When a Client's Group Changes?

Below you'll find some common scenarios relating to workflow changes when a client's group is changed:

  • Group Appointments:
    • If a client's current group is assigned to a group appointment, they will be removed from that session if they are removed from the group.
    • If a client is placed into a new group that is associated with a group appointment, they will automatically be enrolled in that session.
  • Intake Forms:
    • If a client is moved into a new group, and there is an intake flow associated with that group, the client will be prompted to complete any NEW forms (forms they have already completed).
    • If a client is moved into a new group, and there is NOT an intake flow associated with that group, any incomplete forms from previous group Intake Flows will be unassigned and emoved from their Client Profile.
  • Community Chat:
    • If a client's current group is assigned to a community chat, the client will be removed from the chat if removed from the group. They will still be able to see historical chats for that group, but will not be able to contribute further to the conversation.
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