Smart Phrases and Hotkeys
Smart Phrases are go-to phrases, recommendations, and responses that you can save, and quickly apply while charting. This feature is designed to help improve the speed and accuracy of charting, as well as with Healthie Chat.
Turn on Smart Phrases
To get started with Smart Phrases log into your Healthie provider account and navigate to the Smart Phrases settings page.
- Gear icon top right > Settings
- Features > Smart Phrases
- Click "Add Smart Phrase"
From here you can add your first Smart Phrase to your library.
Give your Smart Phrase a Name. We suggest something that will be specific enough for you to identify your phrase from a long list of phrases that will likely accumulate.
You can always edit the name and phrase after saving.
Once you've added your first phrase, it will appear in your Smart Phrase library. You can add more phrases to your library.
Phrases can be Edited or Deleted by clicking the actions tab (three dots) next to a phrase.
Manage Smart Phrases
From your Smart Phrases settings page you can search, delete, or edit a phrase.
Settings > Smart Phrases
For Multi-provider businesses
If a provider is archived, the organization will still be able to see smart phrases that have been created by that provider.
Smart Phrase Shortcut in Charting
Once you've added your first Smart Phrase to your Smart Phrase library, you'll see a Smart Phrase Icon within the rich text editor of your chart note.
Select your Smart Phrase from the list of phrases you've created. By default, your phrases are listed alphabetically.
Tip: Click the Smart Phrase Icon and then tap the down arrow on your keyboard to tab through your list of phrases. Tap enter/return on your keyboard when you highlight the phrase you'd like to insert.
Once selected, the phrase text will be inserted at the place where your curser is within the charting note.
Once you've created Smart Phrases, you'll be able to quickly search for, and apply, phrases that you have created. For this reason, we recommend giving your Smart Phrases a title that will be easily identifiable.
You can also "Create Smart Phrase" to directly add your phrase while remaining within Charting.
Smart Phrase Shortcut in Chat
Smart Phrases can also be used within Healthie's HIPAA-compliant chat feature when logged into the web browser. You'll see the same shortcut icon, and be able to pull from the same internal repository of phrases (that you've created for your account).
Search or scroll to find your Smart Phrase. You can also "Create Smart Phrase" to directly add your phrase while remaining within your Chat conversation.
Your Smart Phrase will automatically populate into the text field of the Chat. You can edit the message prior to sending.
Share Smart Phrases with Team Members
Organization admins have the ability to set permissions on a per team member basis. When enabled, team members can share their smart phrases with other members of the team.
To allow a team member to share their Smart Phrases:
- Navigate to Organization > Members > Edit Settings for a member > Permissions
- Check off "Share Smart Phrases with entire Organization"
- Save the settings
The main account Smart Phrase list (Settings > Features > Smart Phrases) will now be visible to this member. An indicator next to each phrase will show which team member created the phrase.
Additionally, all organization Smart Phrases will now be available to the member to choose via the Smart Phrase quick-action icon in Chat or Charting.
Smart Phrase Hotkeys
Use hotkeys to access your smart keys for a more efficient and seamless charting experience. Enter a “.” followed by a space in a charting note to prompt the list of your smart phrases to appear.
To find a specific smart phrase, type “.” followed by the letters or words in the specific smart phrase you want to use.
You will still be able to use the lightbulb icon to access Smart Phrases within charting. Hotkeys provide an additional option to create and use Smart Phrases.