View & Filter Journal Entries

Healthie's Journaling feature enables clients to log key nutrition and lifestyle information into their platform. As a provider, you are able to customize this experience for your clients, as well as view, comment, and react to client entries as part of providing longitudinal engagement with your clients to augment care. 

Unless an entry has actively been deleted, all entries will remain available within Healthie for providers & clients to refer back to. 

View Journal Entries

There are two main places to review/engage with client journal entries: 

Main Journaling Tab

From your dashboard (on both web and mobile), you can click on the “Journal Entries” tab to view all of your clients' most recent activity on your homepage. You can filter by entry type and by client group.

Client Journal Tab 

From a client’s profile, if you click on the “Journal” tab, you will be able to view all of the journal entries just for that specific client.

Search for your Client > Client Profile > Journal

From this view, you'll be able to adjust the date range for the entries. Select Change Date on the top right, and choose your date range, or create a custom range. 

Filter Journal Entries 

From either the main dashboard, or the client profile, you are able to filter journal entries to customize the journaling feed. This can be helpful, for example, if you'd like to filter out all activity and metric entries, and instead only review food entries, etc. 

Simply click the entry type you'd like to filter for. 

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