Smart Tasks

Healthie's Tasks feature is a structured "to do list" that enables providers and teams to stay organized and complete important actions. 

This article contains ways to enable tasks to automatically be generated, in order to streamline operations.

Enable Smart Task(s)

Within your account settings, you have the option to enable certain tasks (Smart Tasks) to be automatically created and assigned. They can be located in Settings > Tasks. Available Smart Task(s) can be found below, and we'll be actively adding more Smart Tasks.

The Smart Task to complete charting only triggers if the Appointment is marked as Occurred, and there is an attached note that is not locked. If you don't write a note at all, no Smart Task is created.

Smart Task: Complete Charting Note

Enable automatic reminders to complete charting notes, once a session is marked as occurred. Set the timeframe for when the smart task should be created (ie. 1-6 hours after an appointment is marked as occurred). The Smart Task should assign to the provider assigned to the appointment.

Enable Charting Note Smart Tasks:

  • Navigate to Settings > Tasks
  • Edit Smart Tasks
  • Toggle on the option to Complete Charting Note
  • Select your preferred time frame for task creation
  • Save Changes to implement updates.

Don't see Smart Tasks? If you do not see the Tasks settings page, ensure that an account admin has given your user permissions to "Can view and edit settings that impact the organization." More information on user permissions can be found here.

Smart Tasks (Available via API)

Available to our providers on the Enterprise subscription plan.

Smart Tasks can currently be set via the API, with planned updates to bring this functionality directly within the platform. 

Via the API, you can automatically trigger tasks to your team members to help you streamline operations across your business As you set up smart tasks, you and/or team members will see Tasks automatically created for completion. These can be useful to help your client outreach team take actions to encourage utilization, reach out to clients, and take other actions as important to your business.

Here are examples of tasks we've seen auto-generated via the API: 
  • Create a task if a client has not had activity for X number of days
  • Create a task if a client posts X number of entries in a given month
  • Create a task if a a client has cancelled X number of appointments
  • Create a task if a provider has not sent a chat note to a client in X number of days
  • Create a task as a flag if something is concerning on an intake form response
  • Create a task if a chart note has not been completed for an appointment after X number of hours / days
  • Create a task when a new client has been added
  • Create a task when a client has purchased a particular package
  • Create a task if there is one payment remaining on a package
  • Create a task if a client has updated their insurance information
  • Create a task every time a client completes an intake flow

Here in Healthie's API Documentation you can find automation examples:

If your team has questions on how to identify specific prompts to trigger a smart task via API, please e-mail

More is on the way!

We are in the process of adding UI to configure Smart Tasks within the platform without requiring the API, and we will update this post with instructions on how to access these, when this becomes available. 

Have a request for a Smart Task? You can submit your request to our Product Portal.

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