Send an Audio Message in Chat

Healthie's Chat Feature enables providers to securely message and communicate with clients, from within the web platform, and through the mobile app. 

In addition, providers and clients alike can send audio messages via chat - short voice recordings. Audio messages can be recorded from both the web browser and the Healthie mobile app.

There are many benefits for using audio messages. Listening to someone's voice allows the recipient to sense the emotions behind someone's words. In many instances, it may be easier for clients to send (or listen) to an audio message versus a text message. You can also use this feature to better support clients that may be hearing impaired or have difficulty submitting a text. 

Follow the steps below to send an audio message. 

How to Send an Audio Message from the Mobile App

Open or start a new chat conversation with your client.

At the bottom of the conversation, you'll see a microphone button.

Tap the button to start the recording

Tap the red icon to stop recording - or tap the trash icon to cancel the recording. 

Once recording, you can tap the play button to hear the playback. If you want to re-record your message, tap the trash icon. 

If you're happy with the recording, you can tap the forward arrow to send your audio message. 

Provider and clients will see the audio message in the chat conversation, and will receive notifications that there is a new message available (if their notification settings are enabled). Tapping the play button will play the recording.  

Send or Delete an Audio Message from a Web Browser

Similarly to mobile, you'll follow the same steps to send an audio message when logged into Healthie from a web browser. From a chat conversation, you'll see a microphone button. Click to initiate your recording. 

From the web browser, providers are also able to hover over a message and delete it if you wish. Clients cannot delete messages. 

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