Appointment Settings: State Licensure Booking Requirements

Within Healthie, each provider within an organization can have professional licensure details added to their account. Team admins can then update specific appointment types to require clients to indicate the state they reside in, and then be matched to providers who are licensed in their state. 

Once this setting is enabled for an appointment, clients will not see the option to book with providers who are not licensed in their state. This can be particularly useful for organizations that have provider networks extending across state lines, and/or those who provide telehealth care. 

Watch this quick tutorial video to learn how to enable this workflow for your organization:

Enable Licensure Requirements for Booking for your Account 

This advanced calendar setting is currently available for members on Healthie's Enterprise or Group Plan. A future update will allow for this setting to be enabled for more membership plans. 

If you'd like this setting enabled for your account, please email with subject "Enable State Licensure Booking Setting" 

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when a client clicks a booking URL that contacts a booking restriction? 

When new clients are using the a calendar sharing link to book an appointment (ie. Discovery call or initial consultation), they will be prompted to select the state in which they reside in. 

Clients already added into Healthie only see the option to book with their assigned healthcare provider or Care Team members (when booking a new appointment when logged into their Client Portal). They are not able to select other team members who have not been added as part of their Care Team. 

What happens if the client lives in a state we don't have a licensed provider for? 

If there are no providers that are licensed in the client's state, they will see an automatic message: "We currently only provide services to states listed in the drop-down menu. If you have a question, or believe this is a mistake, please contact us" 

What if a client buys a package that has an appointment as an included item? 

If a client is buying a client package that contains an appointment with booking restrictions, they will be prompted to select their state PRIOR to completing the package purchase flow. If the client selects a state where there is a licensed provider, they will continue on to the package details & can complete the purchase. 

Note: If you have state licensing enabled, if you have a package that does not require a provider to be licensed in a state, the state question will NOT show up. 

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