Team Member Tags

This feature enables account admins to add tags to organize, and categorize team members. Client Tags can be separately applied to clients. All account tags can be managed from the Tags Manager page in settings. 

With tags, organizations can categorize team members based on attributes, such as profession, location, and specialty. For example, a "Dietitian" or "Diabetes Educator" or “Diabetes Management” tag will enable you to book patients with the best provider suited for their care.

Additionally, account admins and support staff can also use tags to keep track of important team member administrative information, such as credentialing status, updated licensure, and insurance payers they are in-network with.

Add a Team Member Tag 

Team admins, or those with permissions, can take the following steps to manage tags for members: 

  • Navigate to Organization > Members Page
  • Click + Add Tag 
  • Select an existing tag or create a new tag

Remove a Team Member Tag 

Tags can be removed from a team member:
  • Hover over the tag 
  • Click the [...] 
  • Click Remove from Member 

Removing a tag will not delete the tag. This can be done from the Tag Manager page.

Rename or Delete a Tag 

Manage all account tags from the Tags Manager page
Click the [...] next to a tag to Delete or Rename the tag.

Forthcoming Updates

Future planned updates will enable organizations to use automations that leverage team member (and client) tags. 

Additionally, account admins will be able to adjust team member permissions to indicate which members should have the ability to manage tags. 

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