Manage Team Members in Healthie

Healthie's multi-provider capabilities enable group practices and organizations to share resources, collaborate across clients, and maintain custom permissions surrounding core business needs to streamline operations, promote cross-collaboration, and offer coordinated care to clients. 

In addition, Healthie offers you the ability to customize over 40 permissions for each member of your team (including Support accounts).

In this article, we run through how to locate your team member settings, including their member profile, settings, and permissions pages.

Team Members Overview Page 

The Team Members page in Healthie is designed to display information for each team member at a glance, including: 

  • Status indicator: red or green dot next to each team member name to indicate if they are active or inactive. Team members can be archived (made inactive) but never hard-delated from your account.
  • Owner indicator: a new label will show who the owner associated with the account is. There can only be one account owner, and this is typically the person who set up the account. If you wish to change the account owner, please have an admin email with the request.
  • Email Address
  • Account Type: Standard or Support (learn more about standard versus support roles)
  • [...] on hover: Hovering over a team member's name will highlight the row, and also display the [...] option to the right, which will allow you to take further action (ie. edit settings for the team member)

There is some additional information that can optionally be displayed for each member, depending on how you

Rearrange the Order of Members

To rearrange the order of your members, go to "Organization" > Members > drag and drop a team member to rearrange their position on the list. This will adjust the order in which members appear on the Calendar (first on the list will display in the first column of the Organization Calendar, if they are a provider). 

You'll also notice when hovering over a team member that an up/down arrow appears to the left of their name. You can click and drag the team member using this option as well.

Some suggestions for managing your members: 

  • Sort your members by first name, last name, type of member (provider or support), and status (active or inactive)
  • Drag & drop a team member to change their position in the listing
  • Improved navigation of a team member's records (see any clients, chats, documents, program, packages, and more affiliated with their account) 

Note: If you have filters applied you will not be able to drag and drop members to reorder them.

Learn more about filtering for team members here.

Access Member Settings

Within Healthie, admins have the ability to customize the experience/capabilities for each of your organization members. To access this panel of settings:

  • Settings (gear icon, top right) > Organization
  • Scroll down to Members
  • Now you'll see all of your organization members,
  • Hover over a team member and click the [...] option that appears > select EDIT to access their member profile, settings, and permissions.

Team Member Settings: Profile Page

Basic information for each team member is stored within their Member Profile. Admins are able to access and update this information. 

To access a member's profile:  Organization > Member > [...] > Edit Settings > Profile


  • Active 
  • Inactive

Basic Information: 

Account Information: 

  • Email
    • Note: the email address for a provider can be changed at any time. If changed, the member will receive an email from Healthie prompting them to create a new password, as their updated email will be their new login. 
    • We highly recommend that providers or support members not use the same email address with more than one Healthie account. Learn More
  • Phone Number
  • Scheduling Priority: allow for certain providers to display first for clients to book with - giving them priority in bookings. Learn more.

Professional Information:

Forthcoming updates will display new columns on this main overview page, showing each team member's:

Team Member Settings: Permissions

Admins are able to control the permissions for each member of the organization, giving an important level of oversight.

To access a member's settings:  Organization > Member > [...] > Edit Settings > Permissions

Admins can edit basic information for a team member including: 

  • Team member first and last name
  • Team member email address
  • Member role (standard or support and/or admin)
  • Ability to edit any settings that impact the organization. 

In addition, there are over 40 permissions that an admin can customize for each team member. Activate permissions for a team member by checking the corresponding box. 

Here is our Deep Dive: Team Member Settings

If you would like assistance navigating permissions & settings, e-mail us: and we can set up time to run through your team member configurations.

Collaboration Features in Healthie 

Healthie's Organization features enable providers, administrators, assistants, billers, and IT professionals to access a shared, HIPAA-compliant web and mobile portal to streamline back office operations and improve front-line coordination of care with clients. 

Features that promote collaboration in Healthie include:

  • Calendar & appointment: View calendars for all providers across an organization, schedule appointments on behalf of your colleagues. 
  • Billing: Share one common bank account or create multiple. Share packages and track payments across an organization. 
  • Documents: Share documents with providers across your organization 
  • Client Visibility Settings: Share clients with other providers to create a coordinated Care Team
  • Intake forms + Charting Templates: Build intake forms and charting templates once, and share them directly with providers in your organization. 

Additional Resources

Our team is here to help you set up your account and/or onboard new providers. Join our weekly recurring live class to learn how multi-provider teams can leverage Healthie. Find a Class.

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