Invoice Clients for Appointments

Healthie comes with built-in payment processing support, enabling providers to bill for one-time and recurring self-pay services. Client Packages can be created to bundle appointments and services together, and then offered to clients to self-purchase and book. Providers can also invoice for services. 

This article covers how to manually or automatically invoice clients for appointments. 

Automatically Invoice for Appointments

Healthie supports automatic billing for appointments for providers that choose to enable these settings for their account. For any clients that have a valid form of payment on file, an electronic payment is scheduled, and the client's card will be charged directly. 

For clients that do not have a valid form of payment, and invoice can automatically be generated and sent to the client. Clients can then electronically pay their invoice, which will also capture a form of payment that can be stored in their profile. 

Automatic billing, coupled with automatic invoicing, ensures that providers are collecting payments for services rendered. 

NOTE: if automatic invoicing is disabled and there is no valid payment on file, no billing action will be taken.

Providers have the ability to set a price for appointment type(s), and automatically schedule charges for clients on a per-session basis. Automatic billing for appointments and invoicing is supported on Plus Plan and above.  

To get started, you'll need to enable this option in your account settings: 

  • Settings > Appointments > Payments and Credits
  • Select Automatically invoice clients > Save Changes

In order to invoice clients, you will need to set a price per appointment type. You'll find more information on how to do this here

NOTE: It is currently not possible to automatically invoice a client that has a valid form of payment on file. If a client has a valid payment card on file, they will be automatically charged, versus invoiced.  

Once enabled, if an appointment is marked as Occurred on your calendar, it will generate an invoice for a client if they do not have a form of payment on file. 

This invoice will be visible in the Client's Profile > Billing > Invoices

The payment status will automatically update once a client has made a payment. 

Providers can preview the invoice, download, or print. The appointment information will be included in the invoice details (Appointment Type and Date). 

At this time, it is not possible to automatically add notes to an automatically generated invoice. 

Clients will automatically receive an email notification to pay their invoice, which they can do electronically. 

Manually Create an Appointment Invoice

Healthie's Invoicing feature allows providers to send invoices to clients for specific one-time payment instances, outside of Client Packages

This section walks through how to manually create an invoice for a specific client, for an appointment that has already occurred. 

Access invoicing in two ways: 

1. From Billing > Payments > Invoices 

2. Client Profile > Billing > Invoices

You'll find more detailed steps on how to access invoices here for further guidance. 

1. Choose Appointment as Invoice Type 

When creating a new invoice, select Appointment as what will be included/billed for in this invoice. 

2. Select the Recipient (Client) 

Only one single client can be selected when creating an invoice

3. Select Specific Appointment

From the Appointment drop-down, select which appointment you'd like to invoice for. The drop-down will display all appointments that have already been booked or occurred for this client, as well as any upcoming scheduled appointments. 

You'll also be prompted to enter an amount for the appointment. This amount will need to be entered manually, and doesn't not auto-populate into the invoice at this time. You can optionally save the invoice as a template to apply to future invoices. 

4. Complete the Invoice

Preview and send optionally send it to your client to collect payment. You'll find further information on sending an invoice here

Forthcoming Updates 

A forthcoming update will allow you to invoice for multiple items in the same invoice.

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