Optum E-Labs (Change Healthcare is now part of Optum)

Healthie integrates with third-party partners to enable the fulfillment of E-Labs within Healthie and for streamlined coordination across lab vendors, our customers, and your patients. 

This article contains information on Healthie's integration with Optum for lab ordering.

The Healthie and Optum Clinical Exchange Lab Orders and Results is currently live for Enterprise customers.

If you are interested in this integration, email hello@gethealthie.com and indicate within your email which Optum services you would like to enroll in (e.g. E-Labs).

We will then send you the Optum Clinical Exchange EULA to download, review, and complete. Please send this back to the email listed above. After successful completion of the EULA, you will be provided with an Optum Clinical Exchange Lab Enrollment Form (for Healthie Enterprise customers only). Once you’ve completed the Enrollment Form, please return it to hello@gethealthie.com.

If you are currently enrolled directly with a lab vendor (E.g., Quest, Labcorp), please let us know which lab and your account number, so we can get started with the integration enrollment process. There are administrative steps for enabling this integration required by the lab, which can take several weeks to complete. 

Please Note: 

  • This integration is only available to Enterprise plan members.
  • Providers will need to have existing accounts with connected lab facilities (E.g., Quest, Labcorp).
  • Healthie will notify customers when the enrollment process is complete, and lab ordering is available for their account. This process can take several weeks or months depending on the lab approval process and resources. 
  • Once setup, organizations will be charged $10 per month for every enrolled provider. You are responsible for reaching out to Healthie if you wish to deactivate providers on your account.
  • The business, patient, or insurance will need to cover the cost of the lab order. Healthie does not have insights into the lab costs or fees charged by lab vendors.
  • Additional fees from Optum and/or the lab vendors may also apply. The business, patient, or insurance will need to cover the cost of the lab order. Healthie does not have insights into the lab costs or fees charged by lab vendors.

About Optum

Every day, the people of Optum bring together clinical expertise, technology and data to make health care simpler, more effective and more affordable, at scale. With Change Healthcare now part of Optum, two innovative technology companies have come together to increase efficiency and reduce friction to create a better health care experience and lower costs. Working with partners across health care, Optum is committed to enabling a higher-performing, value-oriented health system to ensure every person, in every community, has access to the health care they need, when they need it.

The Optum + Healthie integration for E-Labs enables providers to order, track & receive lab results from over 300+ lab companies directly within Healthie. Lab vendors within the Optum network include Quest Diagnostics, Labcorp, and many others. 

This lab integration supports insurance-based and cash-pay options for patients. 

Enable Optum Lab Integration for Healthie

An Optum subscription is required. The steps below walk you through how to connect your Healthie account with your Optum lab vendors.

Step 1: Providers will need to have existing accounts with connected lab facilities (E.g., Quest, Labcorp)

Step 2: Providers will share the below information in a Clinical Exchange Lab Enrollment Form for Healthie

  • Lab account names & account numbers
  • Information about providers that will be processing lab orders (Healthie will provide a template to be completed)

Step 3: Healthie will submit your enrollment form to Optum and open a new case.

Step 4: Optum will submit requests to each of the lab vendors indicated on your enrollment form to initiate a connection.

  • For Quest National accounts you will need to reach out to your Quest account representative. Let them know you'd like to connect your Quest account with the Healthie and Optum Clinical Exchange integration.

Step 5: Each lab will then run its internal approval process and reach out to Optum once approved. Note: Every lab has a different process and different timeline for approving and enabling the connection to Healthie and Optum. The timeline for approval may be a few weeks, or months, depending on the lab vendor and is completely independent of Healthie and Optum. Please follow up with your lab representative if taking longer than desired.

  • Labcorp: Approximately 3-4 months
  • Quest Regional & Single Business Unit: 1-2 weeks
  • Quest National (any patient/any lab): Approximately 30 days

Step 6: Optum will provide Healthie with a list of active and approved providers which we will share with your team. You will complete any remaining lab vendor requirements and be enabled for ordering.

  • Quest: will send a test report to your account indicating that your account is approved. Optum will provide Quest with your desired "go live" date after which time you will be able to send and receive lab orders.
  • Labcorp: Once approved you will be required to run a round trip "test lab" before you can submit orders. The Healthie team will assist in walking you through this process.

To request an enrollment form and begin the integration process, please email hello@gethealthie.com. Please note that each and every lab vendor that you want to connect with through the Optum integration, is a separate and new "ticket" that must be opened with Healthie.

Create a New Labcorp or Quest Account for use with Optum Labs

To order labs through the Healthie and Optum integration, you must have an active account with one of the many lab providers available through the Optum Network. If you do not currently have a Quest or Labcorp account, and would like to set one up, the following contacts can help you get started.

Lab Corp (LCA): Luke Musselman - Mussel1@labcorp.com

Quest: Andrew Buckley - Andrew.C.Buckley@questdiagnostics.com

In your email please indicate that you are a customer of Healthie looking to setup a new lab account to utilize with the Healthie and Optum Clinical Exchange Lab Orders and Results integration.

In order to access the most up-to-date version of the Clinical Exchange lab network list, please click here.

Place an Optum Lab Order

Once Optum Labs is available for your account, providers can order labs within the Healthie UI via our Optum iFrame.

The following patient information is required, and should be populated within the patient's Healthie profile: 

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Gender 
  • Date of Birth 
  • Unique Patient ID
  • Insurance details (required for insurance billing if submitting to insurance) 

Select a vendor based on distance within a particular zip code, and save most frequently used vendors.

In order to place a test order on Healthie, navigate to Clients > Client Name > Overview > scroll down to Recent Labs > click Order New Lab.

Click on the Optum box. Next, you will see a green success banner at the top of your screen stating that you are “Successfully connected.

You should now be able to view the “Today's Status at Healthie Test Site” page, allowing to gain an overview of lab order status, lab report status, and Rx status.

Standard Orders Entered Today are any orders that were created but not transmitted. Orders stay in Clinical Exchange forever, so if they were created but not transmitted, they will either remain in the Entered Today status or the Inactive PSC Order status. Orders Transmitted Today means that that the HL7 order message has been sent to the lab - this could be either a PSC or Standard order.

Under the Reports Status section, “Abnormal Reports Not Yet Viewed or Printed” are abnormal test results flagged by the laboratory, and are recommended for the provider to look at first.

Finally, the admin must click on “Download/Update ScriptX for non-Internet Explorer printing” at the top right corner for better formatted printing of results.

Note: The difference between Standard and PSC orders are that Standard orders are the ones that are drawn on site; the specimen is on hand and the order will have a Collection Date and Collection Time when it's transmitted to the lab. A PSC (Patient Service Center) order means that this order was printed out and provided to the patient. The patient would then go to the lab (e.g. Labcorp, Quest) and have their specimen(s) collected at the PSC.

Navigate to the Orders button on the top bar and select New Order in the dropdown list. Enter “test” into the Last Name query box to find your test patient. Ideally, you should select a patient with an address listed beside their name as they may already have their insurance details listed.

After clicking on “Select” beside the appropriate patient's name, an incomplete order form page will open up.

Here, please ensure that you have selected “Client” in the Bill Type dropdown menu and “PSC” in the Order Type dropdown menu if sending the patient to a PSC.

As you fill out the required fields denoted by an asterisk (*), please note that the dropdown beside Expected Date/Time should appear for you to select a Date.

Note: If you were completing a Standard Test Order request, you would see a Collection Date/Time field instead.

The next screen will allow you to select the test code for your specific lab order - please note that this test code is lab specific. If you've chosen Quest, you'll see Quest lab codes populate in this dropdown, and if you've chosen LabCorp, you'll see LabCorp lab codes populated here. Diagnosis codes (ICD) are not lab specific - they are, however, facility specific. Preferred tests will appear under the Test(s) and ICD(s) sections here.

When searching for the name of your Lab Test Order, you will note that for example typing “TSH” into the Test Codes query box will give you an Error Message saying “The following code(s) were not found: TSH.” Click on the binoculars “Search” box and type “TSH” (order #899) into the “Description” query box and select “Search.”

After selecting the appropriate Test Number, verify that the Description contains the test order you are looking for and select “Use Selected.” If you'd like to save this order type to your Preference List, click on “Use Selected and Save to Preferences.”

In the event that you want to create a Test Group, select the boxes beside certain test types, and click on “Save As Test Group.” This allows you to group your most popular test orders. 

After confirming that you have included all relevant Test(s) and ICD(s) within your “Order at Healthie Test Site” overview page, click on “Validate Order.” This will create a PDF version of your lab test order requisition. Scroll through this requisition and make sure to Download and save a copy onto your computer. Click the Send button to transmit the order to the lab. Once you see the message, "Order sent" the ordering process is complete.

View & Share Optum Lab Results in Healthie

Providers are able to view a running history of labs ordered within the UI. In addition, three standardized statuses allow providers to more easily review the current status for each lab order and to take action, or make more informed decisions on care and followup.

The 3 available statuses are:

    • Completed
    • Error Requires Client Action
    • Pending

Providers can filter the statuses by one, all, or any combination using the status filter.

Healthie will provide data via PDF, HTML and HL7 (depending on what format the laboratory supplies to Healthie). 

Lab results can be shared with patients directly within the portal.

FAQs: Optum E-Labs

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