Confirm Pending Appointment Requests

Within Appointment Settings, account admins can indicate whether appointments self-booked by clients are automatically confirmed, or if the requests require the provider to confirm

If the provider is required to confirm, clients will be informed upon booking that their appointment request has been submitted but is not yet approved. Once the provider manually confirms the appointment, the client will receive a second notification letting them know that their appointment is now confirmed. 

This article reviews how a provider can confirm any pending appointment requests. 

Confirm from the Calendar Page 

Click Calendar, and on the left-hand side panel, you'll see Pending Appointments - review this list and click "Cancel" or "Confirm

Confirm from the Provider Dashboard

Within your Provider Dashboard (on the home page) you can view all upcoming appointments, including a tab for "unconfirmed" appointments. To confirm an appointment here, click on the [...] button, and select Confirm or Cancel. 

Confirm from the Session Details

You can filter appointments on your calendar (or the Organization Shared Calendar) left-hand panel, by confirmation status, by provider or client: 

Provider Confirmation Status

Client Confirmation Status

Click on an appointment to open the Session Details, and click Confirm at the top of the details page. 

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