Using Healthie's Organization Calendar

Healthie's Organization Calendar enables each member of an organization to view the schedule and availability of other providers in an organization.

With the Healthie's Organization Calendar:

  • Members can manage the appointments of anyone in an organization
  • Members with the role *administrator* can change the availability of anyone in an organization
  • Members can view, schedule, edit, and remove appointments for other providers

To view your Organization's Calendar, click on Organization on the left sidebar of your Healthie screen.

Note: If you do not see Organization on the left hand side, you or your administrators have not yet set up your organization. Click on Settings (in the top right) > Organization - thereafter, you'll see the Organization calendar appear on the left dashboard. 

By default, Healthie's Organization Calendar displays all appointments for the current day. You must be in the DAY view of the calendar to see all organization member's appointments/availability side-by-side. When in the week or month view, you will only see a collective view of the calendar. 

Organization members are able to toggle between viewing the calendar/appointments by provider, or by locations. When switching to location view, the columns of the calendar will adjust to reflect the site location(s)

Leverage the filters on the left-hand side of the calendar to adjust your calendar view. Healthie's calendar allows you to filter by: 

  • Location 
  • Appointment Type 
  • Appointment Status 
  • Provider Confirmation Status 
  • Client Confirmation Status 
  • Providers

You can also choose to display the availability for provider(s), or toggle that away. Same with showing appointments and synced appointments. This gives users an

Make an Appointment for a Provider

To make a new appointment, you can click the "Add Appointment" button in the top right of the Organization Calendar (do not use your personal calendar to make an appointment for another provider), or drag right on the calendar. When you do that, you'll see a popup box appear. 

You'll be asked to select: 

  • Whether the appointment is individual or group
  • The Client
  • The Provider
  • The date, location, and time
  • Whether the appointment repeats subsequent sessions. 

When you've entered this information, click the Add Individual Session button. Based on your organization's Appointment Settings, your client will automatically receive notification of this appointment being created, as well as the provider who was scheduled for the appointment session. 

Once an appointment has been created, you are also able to modify the Provider of the appointment by clicking into the details of the Appointment. 

Only appointment types that have been designated as "group appointments" in their settings will allow you to book the session with multiple team members (and/or clients). Learn more about appointment types

TIP: If you have a team member that will be scheduling on behalf of other providers, please make sure they have the member permissions setting Can search across all clients in the organization enabled for their account. 

Make a Group Appointment with Multiple Team Members

To make a group appointment with multiple team members:

  • Click ADD in the top right of the Organization Calendar
  • Select Group Appointment
  • Under invitees, search for provider names. Select all provider(s) that you'd like to be included in the group appointment (note: Support roles and inactive providers will not show up in this dropdown)
  • Select date, type, and time
  • Indicate if this is a recurring appointment 
  • Scroll to the bottom and click Add Group Session button to ensure your appointment saves

Once a group appointment is added, the appointment will then be added to each Organization member's calendar automatically as a blocked time. The provider(s) that are scheduled for the session will show up in the Appointment Details screen. The provider(s) that are added to an appointment by another org member will receive an e-mail notification that they've been added to a group appointment

Set Availability for a Provider

Account admins, or team members with the correct account settings, are able to set or remove availability for a team member. They can also add time blocks to their calendar, to prevent appointments from being booked during through times. Note: availability and time blocks can only be added to team members that are set as providers (not for support roles). 

Alternatively, providers can also self-manage their availability

Adjust the availability for a team member: 

  • Navigate to Organization tab > Availability > Add Availability
  • Select provider from the drop-down 
  • Complete the other fields to indicate if this is one-time or recurring availability, start/end times, start/end dates, etc. 

You can also review our advanced availability settings, which can enable you to set availability by appointment type, location, and/or contact type

Add a Time Block for a Provider

If you would like to prevent appointments or meetings from being scheduled with a provider, you can add a one-time Block to their schedule. Blocked time currently cannot recur. 

Set a one-time block for a provider:

  • Navigate to Organization tab > Calendar
  • Click the Add button > Select Block
  • Select your provider, date/time, add any notes if needed
  • Click Add Block to save

Another way to block off availability for an organization member is going to their main calendar's tab by going through the Organization tab. 

  • Navigate to Organization tab > Calendar
  • Scroll towards the bottom to By Provider and select Provider 

This will allow you to see the specific provider's calendar and Calendar Settings under More. 

Once added, a gray time block will appear on the calendar, under the provider's name. Even if availability is set for that day, the time block will override. No clients will be able to book or be scheduled during this time. 

Time blocks can extend for more than one day, for example, if a provider is to be out of the office for a longer period of time (ie. on vacation). 

Learn More: Managing Time Blocks

View Availability of Other Providers

To view the availability of other providers, click Organization in the the main menu > toggle the calendar to the Availability view. You can also adjust permissions such that you'll see availability by default. 

Some things to note: 

  • If you do not see the availability of your providers, your account administrator may need to enable these for you
  • Be sure that the options to show One-time and/or Recurring Availability are checked off on the side panel 
  • Hover over any availability blocks to see details 
  • Click into the availability block to make edits or remove the availability
  • If you have advanced calendaring settings enabled for your account, you may also see the option to view/set availability by location, contact type, or appointment type
  • Use the filters on the left-hand side to select the provider you would like to view/manage availability for 

Color Code the Organization Calendar

Healthie's calendar can be customized by colors across the organization. If a administrator account changes color codes, it will apply to the entire organization

If a license without administrator permissions makes changes to calendar colors, it will apply to just that provider's account (E.g., if XX is able to edit settings that impact the organization, is enabled in Provider Settings, changes to color schemes will affect other calendars) 

Rearrange the Order of Providers

To rearrange the order of your members, go to "Organization" > Members > use the blue arrows to rearrange a member's position on the list. This will adjust the order in which members appear on the Calendar. 

View Calendar for Specific Providers

If you would like to view the calendar for specific team members, you may do so by using the "Providers" filter on the left-hand panel. Simply search for and add the providers you'd like view. The calendar display will automatically update with your preference. 

Allow Booking Prioritization for Certain Providers

Admins can adjust the booking priority of different providers in the org. If the two members have the same availability slot, the member with the higher priority will be scheduled with first.

Learn more about Booking Prioritization here.

FAQs: Organization Calendar

How can I share a link to my calendar, that is for the whole organization? 

Each provider is able to generate a calendar or booking link (URL and embed) directly to their calendar. If a link is needed for the entire team's calendar, this can be done by following the steps outlined here: For Organizations: Create URLs for Calendar

How can I schedule an internal group Zoom meeting with my team?

Here are instructions to generate an internal meeting for your team within Healthie

If you have pulled an external calendar (Google, iCal) into my Healthie calendar, will my team be able to see personal bookings from said calendar?

By default, other organization members will not be able to see personal bookings from an external calendar on your Healthie calendar. If you would like other members to see external appointments, click on the settings wheel in the upper right corner and click on the "Organization" tab. Click on the "Members" tab and click "Edit" to enable the setting. 

Under Calendar settings, you can click "Can view the calendar of every member of the organization, including their own." 

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