E-Rx: Prescription Favorites

Healthie offers a E-Rx integration with Dosespot as an add-on to your Healthie plan, which enables clinical providers to prescribe medications electronically on behalf of their patients. Here is an overview of E-Rx and Healthie

This article covers how to create, edit, and apply a prescription that has been saved as a favorite. Leveraging Prescription Favorites can help to streamline provider prescribing workflows. 

Create a Prescription Favorite

Saving a prescription as a favorite saves all entered prescription details. Follow the steps below to create a new Prescription Favorite. 

  • From a client's profile, select Manage E-Rx to access the E-Rx portal 
  • Add a new medication 
  • In the final step of the Add Prescription workflow, fill in prescription details.
  • Click the Star icon next to “Save As Favorite” and click “Save Prescription.”

A pop up will appear. Enter a nickname for the favorite and click “OK”. If you would like to save this as a Master Favorite, add an asterisk (*) to the beginning of the nickname.

The prescription will be added to the Pending Medications list, and a copy of the prescription will be saved as a favorite.

Apply a Prescription Favorite 

Once saved as a favorite, the prescription can be used as a template and applied to other patients. This saves the provider time by auto-populating details, such as dosage, pharmacy notes, and patient instructions. 
  • From a client's profile, select Manage E-Rx to access the E-Rx portal 
  • Add a new medication 
  • From the right side My Favorites, select the favorite that you would like to apply
Once applied, the provider has an opportunity to edit the prescription details prior to sending it to the pharmacy. 

Edit a Prescription Favorite 

  • From a client's profile, select Manage E-Rx to access the E-Rx portal 
  • Add a new medication 
  • A side panel will appear with a list of saved favorites
  • Click the Edit icon next to the prescription favorite you would like to edit

From here, you can edit the prescription favorite directly. 

Clinic Favorites 

Currently, Prescription Favorites are unique to the individual provider. A forthcoming update will enable prescriptions to be added as a Clinic Favorite, which would make it accessible to all providers within the clinic. To request this functionality, please add an insight to our Product Portal.

Proxy Member Role in Creating Prescription Favorites

Proxy users cannot create prescription favorites on behalf of the provider.
  • Proxy users and Prescribing Agents can view Clinic Favorites and On Behalf of Favorites, but cannot make any edits.
  • The Proxy users cannot add a favorite on behalf of a Provider.
  • The Provider is the only one that can see/edit/add “My Favorites”
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